第5章 资产阶级革命
5.1 复习笔记
I. The Economic Background
II. The Political Background
III. The Civil Wars
IV. The Commonwealth and Protectorate
V. The Restoration and the Coup D’état
I. The Economic Background (经济背景)
1. Enclosure sped up and secured pasture for sheep farming.
2. Foreign trade had been expanding and colonial plunder increasing too.
1. 圈地运动加速了养羊业的发展,为其提供了足够的草地。
2. 对外贸易不断扩展,殖民掠夺也持续发展。
II. The Political Background (政治背景)
The conflict between the bourgeoisie and the crown became complete in the early years of the 17th century.
III. The Civil Wars (内战)
1. Those who supported Charles were feudal nobles and their followers. Those who stood for Parliament were extensive groups of the bourgeoisie, plebeians in cities, and the most of the peasants.
2. In 1646, the civil war was over in the victory of Parliament.
3. In 1649 Charles was deposed as traitor, and his head was cut off.
1. 支持查尔斯的是封建贵族和他们的追随者。支持议会的是大量资产阶级,城市里的平民和大多数农民。
2. 1646年,内战以议会的胜利而告终。
3. 1649年,查尔斯被判为卖国贼,资产阶级送其上了断头台。
IV. The Commonwealth and Protectorate (共和政体和护国者)
In 1649, England was declared a Commonwealth. In 1653 Parliament was dissolved and Cromwell was made Lord Protector for life and started his military dictatorship openly.
V. The Restoration and the Coup D’état (复辟时期和政变)
1. Under the reign of Charles II, Anglicanism was restored.
2. In 1688, Parliament invited William of Holland to take the throne. William and Mary were then crowned as joint rulers. This was known in history as “The Glorious Revolution”.
3. In 1689, Parliament achieved a decisive victory—the Bill of Rights, limiting the powers of the crown.
4. The English Revolution is an epoch-making event in the history of the world. It concluded the medieval period—the period of feudalism, and marks the beginning of the modern period—the period of capitalism. It paved the way for the rapid growth of capitalism in England.
1. 查尔斯二世统治时期,英国国教复辟。
2. 1688年,议会邀请威廉王子回国。威廉和玛丽成为联合执政者。这就是历史上著名的“光荣革命”。
3. 1689年,议会取得了决定性的胜利,通过了《权利法案》,限制了国王的权利。
4. 英国的资产阶级革命是世界历史上具有划时代意义的历史事件。它结束了中世纪时期,标志着现代历史的开始。封建制度结束,资本主义制度开始。它为英国资本主义的迅速发展铺平了道路。
5.2 课后习题详解
Exercise 1. Answer the following questions:
1. What was the economic and political background of the Bourgeois Revolution?
Key: In the first half of the 17th century Capitalism grew rapidly, the national industry, cloth-making spread all over the country. New industry also developed, such as coal-mining, ship-building, glass-making etc. Foreign trade had been expanding and colonial plunder increasing too. Capitalistic enterprises continued to replace feudal landlords. The conflict between bourgeoisie and the crown became complete during this period. The bourgeoisie had gained economic supremacy, but everywhere it encountered feudal restrictions. The foundation of feudal society had already fallen down, but the feudal nobility with the ding as their head was still the ruling class. Feudal system of land tenure remained. All this the bourgeoisie could no longer put up with. This period also saw the growth of popular discontent. The peasant movement reached new heights.
2. What do you know about the absolutist rule of the Stuarts?
Key: James I insisted on the Divine Right to Kings, believing that kings were only responsible to God and not to any Parliament. In his view the king’s will was the only law. After his death, his son Charles I followed the same belief, and had uneasy relations with Parliament. His inflexibility of rule encouraged confrontation with Parliament. Charles I called Parliament frequently for his own benefits, and each time when he was refused the request, he would dissolve Parliament. He also persecuted the Puritans. He asked people for “loans”, and those who refused were put into prison. At the same time the financial policy of the government led to a decline in commerce and production. Ordinary as well the bourgeoisie found the feudal oppression intolerable.
3. How did the Civil War break out? What were the consequences of the Civil War?
Key: Because of the absolute rule of Charles, the confrontation between Charles I and the Parliament developed into the Civil War. The war began on August 22, 1642. Charles gained the support of nobles and gentry in the north and west of the country and Wales. Parliament, on the other hand, derived its strongest support from yeoman farmers, middle-class town people, and artisans in southeast England and London. The king’s men were called “Cavaliers”, and the supporters of Parliament were called “Roundheads”.
Consequences: The king Charles’s army was defeated. Charles I was beheaded. In 1649 the House of Lords and the office of King were abolished and a Council of State was set to carry the executive work of the government and England was declared a Commonwealth.
4. What were the Commonwealth and Lord Protector?
Key: In February 1649, the Parliament made a resolution of abolishing the monarchy and the House of Lords. On 19 May, the Parliament officially declared England a Commonwealth. The establishment of Commonwealth was the climax of the Bourgeois Revolution. Cromwell, with a large army behind him, became the real ruler and was made Lord Protector.
5. Why did the Restoration take place?
Key: When Oliver Cromwell died in 1658, and was succeeded by his son, Richard, the regime began immediately to collapse. In May 1660 the son of Charles I was proclaimed King Charles II of England. Under the reign of Charles II, Anglicanism was restored. The Cavaliers got back the land and had the most of the seats in the new Parliament. They used the power to take revenge on their enemies—Roundheads. They would not let them work in local government; they dismissed most of Cromwell’s army. Thus feudal forces were restored.
6. What do you know about the “Glorious Revolution”?
Key: After three years of struggle, the Whig and Tory leaders at last united against James II, who intended to establish absolutism in England with the aid of France and had restored Roman Catholics in civil government, etc. The leaders of the two parties planned a coup d’état. In June 1698 the leaders of Parliament invited William of Holland and Mary, daughter of James II, to come and take the throne. William landed with army and he was so welcomed that James II ran away to France. William and Mary were then crowned as joint rulers. This was known in history as “The Glorious Revolution”.
Exercise 2. Explain the following terms:
1. the Short and the Long Parliament
Key: Charles I’s attempts in 1637 to impose worship in Scotland led to a rebellion, which in turn forced Charles to summon Parliament in 1640. But the Parliament refused to vote the King until English grievances had been considered, so Charles I dissolved it after a few weeks. Hence it was nicknamed “Short Parliament”. After Charles I angrily dismissed Parliament, the Scots invaded England. The situation forced Charles to call Parliament once more. This Parliament lasted until 1653, become known in England history the “Long Parliament”.
2. Oliver Cromwell
Key: Oliver Cromwell was the leader of the Independents during the British Bourgeois Revolution. In the Civil War he led his new army “New Model Army” and defeated the king’s army. In 1649 he signed to execute Charles I and established Commonwealth. He suppressed the Diggers. In 1653 Parliament was dissolved and Cromwell was made Lord Protector for life and started his military dictatorship openly. The Commonwealth became the Protectorate. He died in 1658.
3. New Model Army
Key: It was the new army led by Oliver Cromwell in the Civil War, and the main power to defeat the Cavaliers. It was chiefly composed of peasants, partly of craftsmen, under masters and apprentices, who could be subject to strict discipline.
4. the Diggers
Key: In April 1649 the peasants’ collective digging and ploughing the soil appeared on St. George’s Hill, Surrey, soon it spread to Nottingham, Kent and other counties. These peasants were called Diggers.