第4章 资本主义的兴起和都铎王朝的统治
4.1 复习笔记
I. Economic Development and the Enclosure Movement
1. Economic Development
2. The Enclosure Movement
II. Foreign Trade and Colonial Plunder
1. Foreign Trade
2. Colonial Plunder
III. The Strengthening of the Centralized Monarchy
IV. The Reformation
V. English Renaissance
I. Economic Development and the Enclosure Movement (经济的发展和圈地运动)
1. Economic Development (经济的发展)
(1) By the beginning of the Tudor reign, manorialism had already declined, and had been replaced gradually by a money economy.
(2) Lords turned into landlords and serfs became tenants. Money rents replace labor services and dues.
(1) 都铎王朝统治初期,庄园制度逐渐衰落,被货币经济所取代。
(2) 贵族变为地主,农奴变为租户。租金取代了体力劳动。
2. The Enclosure Movement (圈地运动)
Whole villages disappeared, and thousands of peasants were expelled from the land. They were forced into cities and became laborers.
II. Foreign Trade and Colonial Plunder (对外贸易和殖民掠夺)
1. Foreign Trade (对外贸易)
(1) England was an essential source of primary products, particularly of food and wool. Coal, tin and lead were also sent abroad.
(2) The rapid growth of English cloth manufacture in the 15th century revolutionized the bulk of the country’s export trade.
(1) 英国是初级产品的重要来源国,尤其是食品和木材。煤、锡和铅也出口国外。
(2) 15世纪,英国迅速发展的织布业给英国的出口贸易带来了革命。
2. Colonial Plunder (殖民掠夺)
(1) The Italian Marco Polo had already rediscovered China and Columbus made his first voyage to the West Indies. Many explorers began to seize treasure in colonies.
(2) Colonial robbery gave way to foreign trade. At the end of the 16th century, the most well-known company, the East India Company, was formed.
(1) 意大利航海家马克波罗发现了中国,哥伦布发现了西印度。很多探险家都开始在殖民地掠夺财富。
(2) 殖民掠夺让位于对外贸易。16世纪末,最著名的公司—东印度公司成立。
III. The Strengthening of the Centralized Monarchy (中央集权的加强)
In order to retain his crown, Henry took a series of steps. Firstly he put down all revolts with a heavy hand and executed their leaders. Secondly, he strengthened the law courts. Thirdly, Henry Ⅶ increased the income of the government.
IV. The Reformation (宗教改革)
1. The conflicts between the growing power of the crown and the control of Roman Catholic to English church became intense, leading to the religious reformation.
2. The struggle between the English Church and Catholicism was essentially a struggle, between the new “nobility” of money and bourgeoisie on the one hand and the remnants of feudalism on the other.
1. 日益增长的王权,同罗马教会对英国教会的控制之间的矛盾越加剧烈,终于导致了宗教改革运动。
2. 英国国教同罗马教会之间的斗争,实质为资本主义势力同封建势力的较量。
V. English Renaissance (文艺复兴)
It was a cultural movement that arose with the rise of the bourgeoisie. The 17th century witnessed its finest exponents Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, and William Shakespeare.
4.2 课后习题详解
Exercise 1. Answer the following questions:
1. What do you know about the economic development in the Tudor Monarchy?
Key: In the Tudor Monarchy, manorialism declined and was replaced by a money economy, villain status ceased to have any importance. Lords turned into landlords and serfs became tenants. Money rents replaced labor services and dues. Agriculture was the dominant economic activity; manufacture woolen cloth became important source of wealth and a major export.
2. How did capitalism begin to grow in the reign of the Tudors?
Key: During the reign of the Tudors, a lot of arable lands were converted into pastures, which was known as the Enclosure Movement. This movement first provided the primitive accumulation of capital, and second it supplied continuously cheap labor for the developing industry. So the Enclosure Movement paved the way for the development of capitalism.
3. In what ways was the centralized Monarch strengthened?
Key: In order to consolidate his power, Henry VII took the following measures: (1) Henry VII confined his rival-Edward, the Earl of Warwick in the Tower. (2) He promised pardon to those who had stood on the side of the House of York. (3) In 1486 Henry VII married Elizabeth of York, uniting the rival House of York and Lancaster. (4) He put down armed rebellions. (5) He established good relations with Spain and France through the marriage of his son and daughter.
4. How did the Reformation happen in England and what was the effect?
Key: The Church of the Middle Age had not been only a religious body, but a political and a legal power as well. The greed and laziness of the Church hindered the social and political progress of England. During that time Henry VIII had troubles in his divorce. He realized that foreign interference in England must be stopped forever. At last Henry had the divorce settled by a special act of Parliament; he broke with the Pope - head of the Church. In 1534 Parliament passed the “Act of Supremacy”, according to it Henry VIII was declared the head of the English Church. Thus the English Church became independent of Rome. The Roman Catholic Church was international: the English Church was strictly national.
5. What do you know about the English Renaissance?
Key: Renaissance means “rebirth”-Europe rediscovering its origins in the cultures of ancient Greek and Rome. It was a cultural movement that arose with rise of the bourgeoisie. They were disintegrating movements, but also liberating ones and they were consistently related, by cause and effect, to liberating movement in politics, commerce and society in every country. The thinkers who worked for freedom and enlightenment were called humanists. The great English humanist was Sir Thomas More, who wrote his masterpiece Utopia. The English Renaissance was largely literary. Shakespeare was the greatest dramatist of the age.
Exercise 2. Explain the following terms:
1. the Enclosure Movement
Key: In the end of 15th century the manufacture woolen cloth in England became an important source of wealth and a major export. The cloth industry increased the value of wool. Raising sheep became more profitable. This encouraged the landlords to covert arable land and the “Commons” into pastures. Later some of the nobility and merchants started to enclose the land. Large areas of land were fenced without any warning to the peasants. This process was known as Enclosure Movement.
2. Francis Drake
Key: He was one of the most well-known navigators in England who set sail on a voyage round the world in 1577.
3. Chartered companies
Key: These were type of corporations that evolved in the 16th century in Europe. Under a charter granted by the state’s sovereign authority, the company had certain rights and obligations which usually gave it a trading monopoly in a specific geographic area or for a specific type of trade item. In the 17th century, chartered companies were encouraged by the English government to assist trade and encourage overseas exploration. Those companies formed for trade with the Indies, such as East India Company which had the most wide-reaching influence. Some chartered companies were also involved in the settlement of colonists.
4. the East India Company
Key: One of the most well-known English trade company formed at the end of 16th century for trade with East and Southeast Asia and India. It began as a monopolistic trading body, establishing early trading stations.
5. Henry VII
Key: He was king of England from 1485 to 1509. He was a successful usurper, the founder of the Tudor dynasty. On the battle-field of Bosworth Henry Ⅶ was crowned and his title was accepted by Parliament at the end of 1485. He took some measures to consolidate his power, such as, confining his rival Edward in Tower. In order to retain his crown he took a series of steps. He strengthened the law courts, increased the income of government. He encouraged education and exploration, increased the trade but he did not deal with the problem, the Church. He died in 1509.
6. Francis Bacon
Key: He was the progenitor in the period of English materialism of the Renaissance in England. In two influential books he maintained that the learning of the medieval philosophers was of little value and advised men to study nature and thus acquire real knowledge which might be of practical benefit to mankind. He was also a statesman and an essayist.