DL/T 5393-2007 高压直流换流站接入系统设计内容深度规定:英文/国家能源局组织编译.--北京:中国计划出版社,2020.1
ISBN 978-7-5182-1118-0
Ⅰ.①D… Ⅱ.①国… Ⅲ.①高电压-直流换流站-设计规范-中国-英文 Ⅳ.①TM631-65
Chinese edition first published in the People s Republic of China in 2007
English edition first published in the People s Republic of China in 2019
3rd Floor,C Tower,Guohong Building
by China Planning Press
No.A11,Muxidi-Beili,Xicheng District
Printed in China by Beijing Jingyintang Graphic Printing Center
©2007 by National Energy Administation
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ISBN 978-7-5182-1118-0