Whenever a British subject has reason to complain of a Chinese,he must first proceed to the Consulate and state his grievance. The Consul will thereupon inquire into the merits of the case,and do his utmost to arrange it amicably. In like manner,if a Chinese have reason to complain of a British subject,he shall no less listen to his complaint and endeavour to settle it in a friendly manner. If an English merchant have occasion to address the Chinese authorities,he shall send such address through the Consul,who will see that the language is becoming; and if otherwise,will direct it to be changed,or will refuse to convey the address. If unfortunately any disputes take place of such a nature that the Consul cannot arrange them amicably,then he shall request the assistance of a Chinese officer that they may together examine into the merits of the case,and decide it equitably. Regarding the punishment of English criminals,the English Government will enact the laws necessary to attain that end,and the Consul will be empowered to put them in force; and regarding the punishment of Chinese criminals,these will be tried and punished by their own laws,in the way provided for by the correspondence which took place at Nanking after the concluding of the peace.[3]
对照这些条约的中外文版本以及条约谈判前后的历史文献记录,与中文“领事裁判权”相对应的英文“consular jurisdiction”,均没有出现在条约文本中。甚至这一制度的权力主体、英文中的“Consul”和“Consulate”,在1843年中英条约中分别被称为“管事官”和“管事官处”,直到1844年中美条约中,“Consul”才对应“领事”这个名词[4]。这说明,此一时期中外双边条约中的领事裁判权的规定,尚处于事实描述状态,并没有专有名词予以概括,因而其意义还很不明确,这也导致了对于这一制度安排,中外的理解并不一致。外国谈判代表固然已经有了明确的近代西方国际法体系下的领事裁判权意识和精神[5],而中方谈判代表,基于羁縻和怀柔的策略,在传统封贡体系范围内意图用“以夷制夷”的策略思维来理解和解决来华外国人的法律管辖问题,因而对领事裁判权的危害,相当一段时间内并没有引起国人的重视。