1.2 The Global Development of Pumped Storage Power Stations
Pumped storage power stations originated from Europe.In 1882,the first pumped storage power station in the world was completed in Zurich,Switzerland,with installed capacity of 515 k W and lift of 153 m.The early pumped storage power stations in the world were mostly constructed for water conservation and seasonal regulation,or regulating the seasonally fluctuated output of hydropower stations.They mostly were used for water conservation in flood season and power generation in dry season.
In the first half of the 20th century,the construction of pumped storage power stations in the world was slow.The total installed capacity of pumped storage power stations worldwide till 1950 was merely several hundred MW,most of which were located in a few countries in West Europe.The period of 1960s to 1980s witnessed a booming development of pumped storage power stations,especially the golden period in 1970s and 1980s.The installed capacity of pumped storage power stations in 1960s,1970s and 1980s increased by 12,590 MW,3,051 MW and 4,036 MW,respectively,where the annual incremental installed capacity in 1960s reached 1,259 MW.During the thirty years,the annual growth rate of installed capacity of pumped storage power stations in the world was about twice as much as the growth rate of the total power installed capacity.In 1990,the world installed capacity of pumped storage power stations reached 86,879 MW,accounting for 3.15% of total installed capacity.
Since the beginning of the 21st century,the rapid economic growth in Asian region has resulted in proliferating demand of electric power load.The world center of pumped storage power construction shifted then to Asia.For example,from 2000 to 2015 the installed capacity of pumped storage power stations in China increased by 17,190 MW with an average growth rate of around 10% per annum.In the meantime,with the development of renewable energy and tightened requirements on energy saving and emission reduction,a few European nations resumed their attention to pumped storage power stations.For instance,Spain and Germany started planning and constructing several pumped storage power stations.See Figure 1.2 for the change of installed capacity of world pumped storage power stations.

Figure 1.2 Installed Capacity Change of World Pumped Storage Power Stations Over the Years Source:World Bank,DOE
Till now,the total installed capacity of world pumped storage power stations is 150 GW including over 60 stations with installed capacity over 1 GW.The pumped storage power station with the biggest head is Kajzunogawa in Japan (rated head of 714 m).The pumped storage power station with the biggest installed capacity is Bath County in US (installed capacity of 3,003 MW).China boasts the biggest total installed capacity of pumped storage power stations that recorded 27,730 MW in May 2017.
See Figure 1.3 and Figure 1.4 for the installed capacity of pumped storage power stations in the world and the major countries.

Figure 1.3 Installed Capacity of Pumped Storage Power Station Projects in World's Major Regions(Unit:MW)Source:DOE

Figure 1.4 Installed Capacity of Pumped Storage Power Stations in Major Countries Source:IHA (2016)