Day 21 “OK.”和“I'm OK.”意思恰恰相反?
D: Hey,Alex,wanna coffee?
A: I'm OK.
D: All right! I'll be right back.
A: Man! Where is my coffee?
D: What? You said you were OK!
A: Yeah. “OK” doesn't mean “yes”?
D: Oh,“OK” means “yes”,sure. But “I'm OK.” here actually means“No,thanks”.
A: Then give me your coffee!
听完对话之后,我们一起来看一下“OK.”和“I'm OK.”的区别。
So,Darby,what's the difference between “OK.” and “I'm OK.”?
Well,Alex,this is another example of how in English sometimes one word can make a huge difference.
If you say“OK.”,it means sure,yes, but if you say“I'm OK.”,it actually means “No,thanks”. So be careful!
在对话当中大白问我要不要喝咖啡,如果我想喝的话,我就得说“Yes, please.”,或者是“OK.”。但是我说了一个“I'm OK.”,在这个地方的意思是什么呢?就是:No,thanks!
所以大家一定要注意:当你想喝的时候,你就说“Yes, please.”,或者是“Sure, thanks.”。
“I'm OK.”在口语中其实是表示委婉地拒绝对方的意思。
So it's time for today's bonus. We already taught you that a polite way to refuse someone is to say “I'm OK.”. Well,there are two other ways. You can say “I'm good.”,and you can say “I'll pass.”.

除了“I'm OK.”之外,你还可以用“I'm good.”,“I'll pass.”来委婉地拒绝对方。