4.4 主要报告及图表名称 Titles of reports,figures and tables
环境质量报告 Environmental quality
环境影响评价报告 Environmental impact assessment(EIA)
水土保持方案报告 Soil and water conservation
实物指标调查报告 Reservoir inundation inventory survey
移民安置规划大纲 Resettlement planning outline
建设征地和移民安置规划设计报告 Planning of land requisition and resettlement
劳动安全与工业卫生预评价报告 Pre-assessment on labor safety and industrial hygiene
水电工程竣工(截流、蓄水)验收建设征地移民安置设计工作报告 Design of land requisition and resettlement work for hydroelectric project acceptance upon completion(river closure or impoundment)
水电工程竣工(截流、蓄水)验收建设征地移民安置实施工作报告 Implementation of land requisition and resettlement work for hydroelectric project acceptance upon completion(river closure or impoundment)
水电工程竣工(截流、蓄水)建设征地移民安置验收报告 Acceptance of land requisition and resettlement work upon hydroelectric project completion(river closure or impoundment)
水电工程竣工(截流、蓄水)验收项目法人建设征地移民安置工作报告 Project owner's land requisition and resettlement work for hydroelectric project acceptance upon completion(river closure and impoundment)
水电工程竣工(截流、蓄水)验收建设征地移民安置综合监理工作报告 Overall supervision of land requisition and resettlement work for hydroelectric project acceptance upon completion(river closure or impoundment)
水电工程竣工(截流、蓄水)验收建设征地移民安置独立评估工作报告Independent appraisal of land requisition and resettlement work for hydroelectric project acceptance upon completion(river closure and impoundment)
移民安置规划示意图 Sketch of resettlement planning
城市集镇迁建规划总体布置图 General layout of urban and towns resettlement works
环境保护措施总体布置示意图 General layout of environmental protection works
水土保持规划方案图 Schematic drawing for soil and water conservation planning
水库淹没影响示意图 Sketch of reservoir inundation impact
征地范围图 Boundary of land used for project
库区移民安置规划图 Reservoir resettlement planning