Software Development on the SAP HANA Platform

Welcome to the SAP HANA Studio

When you run the Studio for the first time, you are presented with a welcome screen presenting the main functions of the program, as shown here:

There are seven options on this screen (until release 38 of the Studio, only the first four were present):

  • Open Administration Console: This will open a perspective (layout) allowing administration of the server, from User creation, to Authorization handling. No development of objects can be done in this view.
  • Open Lifecycle Management: This perspective gives you access to functions for updating the server software. When a new version of SAP HANA is released, you can use this function to apply patches to your existing installation to bring it to the new version. Once more, no development can be done in this view, nor can any administration task be carried out, except updating the server.
  • Open Modeler: Undoubtedly, the view where you will spend most of your time, this is where the SAP HANA information models are created. We will be looking in detail at the different types of information models later in this book, as well as how they all link together to form applications. The Modeler is probably the most important part of the SAP HANA Studio, and it's this view that contains the most functions and options.
  • Documentation Overview for SAP HANA Appliance Software: The SAP HANA Studio doesn't come with any inbuilt documentation or help system, so this option opens an internal web browser to the website, on the SAP HANA Help page. All functions of the Studio, the SAP HANA system as well as the SQL syntax used by SAP HANA are described fully on this webpage. The advantage to this system is that Help is always up-to-date. The downside is that you must be connected to the Internet in order to see Help.

    If your network blocks access to specific websites, you'll need to ask your administrator for access to the following websites in order to be sure to see information from SAP about HANA (including the Help): *

  • Open Development: Starting with SAP HANA SP5, web development is possible directly on the HANA appliance. This means that the whole application can be run directly on top of the SAP HANA box, and you don't need to use any external languages or tools to do so. This option opens up the SAP HANA development perspective, for Web application development. Functions available in this perspective will be discussed at length in Chapter 11, Application Development Using the XS Engine. If you have a SAP HANA version earlier than SP5, this functionality is not available.
  • Java Development: The SAP HANA Studio is built upon Eclipse, the open source Java development environment (which is why Java is a prerequisite for installation). Using this perspective, you can do Java development inside the SAP HANA Studio, and since the installation includes JDBC drivers, you can connect directly to the HANA server from your Java applications.
  • Providing Information for SAP Support: This option opens a pop up window explaining the best way to explain any problems you might have, with the Studio or with HANA itself. SAP receives thousands of support enquiries per year, and most of them need several round trips to and from the client and SAP before the problem is understood by the technician sufficiently well to be able to provide support. By following the instructions in this guide when you need to ask for help from SAP, you are improving your chances of getting the right answer to your question, faster.

Since the functions available in the Administration Console are available also in the Modeler perspective, we won't be looking in any detail at the Administration Console. Open up the Modeler perspective now and we'll take a detailed look at the different panels that are available, and what they do.

The Modeler perspective

Here is the Modeler, as it will appear the first time you run it:

The Modeler perspective is split into several panels:

  • Menus: As with most software these days, menus are used to hold the different options available to you. The different options will be explained throughout the book as we come across, or need them. When a given option is not appropriate, it is disabled. If you take a look at the menus now, you will see that nearly all the options are disabled.
  • The button bar: Like the menus, the button bar provides rapid access to different options appropriate to the development being done. Again, right now they are nearly all disabled, except the very first one New, which allows you to create a new project.
  • The Navigator panel: The Navigator panel, when filled-in, will contain the list of SAP HANA servers configured on your machine. This panel provides a tree-like structure, inside which you will see the different types of objects available for the SAP HANA servers you configure. For example, you will see the different tables you create in the database, as well as the HANA modeling views. At the top of the Navigator panel, there is a row of buttons that provide quick access to the different functions this panel provides.
  • Where-Used List: If you are familiar with SAP ERP or SAP BW development, you will have come across the notion of where-used list before. This function shows you where the object currently selected in the Navigator panel is used. For example, if you have an attribute view, and you use it in an analytic view, selecting the attribute view in the Navigator panel will list the analytic view in Where-Used List.

    The notions of the attribute view and the analytic view will be discussed in detail in Chapter 3, Your First SAP HANA Development – An Attribute View) and Chapter 4, Painting with Numbers – An Analytic View.

  • Quick Launch: Occupying the largest part of the screen is the Quick Launch panel. This panel provides, as its name suggests, a quick way to run most of the development tasks available in the Studio. As we can see in the previous screenshot, it allows you to create new objects and perform actions on existing objects (such as validating they are correct, or importing and exporting them). You can also configure your Studio software and perform other administration tasks, such as generating calendar data. By default, SAP HANA knows nothing about the calendar, such as which week is in which month, and which month is in which year; this data has to be created before you can do calculations on date and time information.
  • Cheat Sheets: Depending on the action you are currently performing, the Cheat Sheets panel will provide helpful ways to perform the most common tasks you might need to do. Here, for example, we've just installed the Studio and it knows that we won't be able to do any useful work until we connect it to a SAP HANA server. Therefore, the Cheat Sheet panel is offering to help us add a new server to the Navigation panel.