Testing iterators for element equality
First, let's create the testIterEq function to test whether two collections are equivalent:
func testIterEq(t *testing.T, it1, it2 Iter) {
for el1 := range it1 {
if el2, ok := <- it2; !ok {
t.Error("it2 shorter than it1!", el1)
} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(el1, el2) {
t.Error("Elements are not equal", el1, el2)
} else {
t.Log(el1, el2)
if el2, ok := <- it2; ok {
t.Error("it1 shorter than it2!", el2)
In our test function TestMap, we define a mapper function literal that is passed to our Map function to perform the transformation. The mapper function returns the length of each string passed to it:
func TestMap(t *testing.T) {
mapper := func (i interface{}) interface{} {
return len(i.(string))
testIterEq(t, New(3,5,10), Map(mapper, New("CRV", "IS250", "Highlander")))
Let's go to the directory with this test file and run the following to verify that the Map function works as we expect. Here's what my console output looks like:
~/clients/packt/dev/go/src/bitbucket.org/lsheehan/fp-in-go-work/chapter2/itertools $ go test
ok bitbucket.org/lsheehan/fp-in-go-work/chapter2/itertools 0.008s