Scenario 1
I want to eat a cake and I went to the gym yesterday, but I did not do cardio, nor is it an occasion for cake:

Here, the following applies:
- Xi is the first input factor, I did cardio yesterday. Now, Xi = 0, as this is false.
- Wi is the weight of the first input factor, Xi. In our example, Wi = 2.
- Xii is the second input factor, I went to the gym yesterday. Now, Xii = 1, as this is true.
- Wii is the weight of the second input factor, Xii. In our example, Wii = 3.
- Xiii is the third input factor, It is an occasion for cake. Now, Xiii = 0, as this is false.
- Wiii is the weight of the third input factor, Xiii. In our example, Wiii = 6.
- threshold is 4.
We know that the neuron computes the following equation:

For scenario 1, the equation will translate to this:

This is equal to this:

3 ≥ 4 is false, so it fires 0, which means I should not eat the cake.