3 General Provisions
3.0.1 This standard is hereby formulated for the purpose of strengthening the construction quality management in power industry,improving the construction quality level,and unifying the acceptance standards for construction quality and the relevant requirements on quality evaluation for a thermal power project.
3.0.2 The construction quality acceptance for thermal power generation projects shall be conducted by batch,subitem,subsection,and subsystem.the construction quality acceptance is only applied with a quality grade"qualified";in case of any nonconformity,it shall comply with the requirements in Article 4.1.12 in this Part.
3.0.3 The quality evaluation shall be carried out for the projects with the goal of achieving quality works.
3.0.4 The project quality evaluation shall be carried out by three phases(stages)-single project,single unit and overall project.
3.0.5 The construction quality evaluation of a single project shall be carried out after the construction quality acceptance of all unit projects has been qualified and the collection and rearrangement of relevant engineering technical documents have been completed.The evaluation shall cover the whole work before 168-h full load trial operation.
3.0.6 The quality evaluation of a single unit shall be carried out after the construction quality acceptance of all unit projects and the 168-h full load trial operation has been completed and the supporting environmental protection projects have been normally put into operation.The synergic system shall be included in the evaluation of the first unit.
3.0.7 The quality evaluation of the whole project shall be carried out after the quality evaluation of all single units and the performance tests of this project as well as the project filing evaluation have been completed.