Lesson 2 By the end of the day,I was physically and mentally exhausted.那天结束的时候,我简直身心俱疲。
Part 1 Real Life Situation
Your wedding was stressful.You're talking to a friend about it.You're telling her the story of all the stressful things that happened.You end the story this way:
By the end of the day,I was physically and mentally exhausted.
Part 2 Pronunciation and intonation
So,in the sentence "By the end of the day,I was physically and mentally exhausted",pay attention to the pronunciation of these parts.
1.在 “the end of” 中,试着去弱读 “of”,不要说/əv/,而是/ə/。连读是by the end əthe day。
1.In "the end of":try to weaken the "of",don't say/əv/,say/ə/instead,so it's "by the end ə the day".
2.In"physically and mentally",we remove the third syllable of "physically".Instead of "physic-a-lly",we say "physiclly".Whereas in "mentally",we keep the "a" syllable,and we say "mentally".
2.在 “physically and mental-ly” 这句话中,我们去掉 physically的第三个音节,不读 “physic-a-lly”,而 是 “physiclly”。而 在“mentally” 这个词中,保留 “a”这个音节,读 “mentally”。
另外试着弱化 “and”,不要读/ænd/,只发一个/n/的音就可以。
Also try to weaken the word "and",instead of/ænd/,just make a/n/sound.
3.In"exhausted",first,it's not/ks/,it's/gz/.Second,it's not/tid/,it's/did/.
3.在“exhausted” 中,前面不是读/ks/,而 是/gz/。后 面 不 读/tid/,而是/did/。
Now,let's focus on tone and intonation.First,raise the tone on"day",then pause,so the listener knows you're saying something afterwards.
现在,我们重点看看语气和语调。首先,把 “day” 读作升调,然后停顿,这样听众才会知道你接下来还要继续说话。
Then,really stress the second syllable of "ex-hausted",because you want to emphasize how tired you are.
另外,重读 “exhausted” 的第二个音节,因为你想强调的是你非常疲惫。
So,now you know how to say this sentence like a native speaker.
Part 3 My explanation
The first expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第1个表达是
( someone) is exhausted(某人) 很疲惫
"Exhausted" means"very tired".When you want to emphasize the word "exhausted",you can use adverbs like these:
“exhausted” 表示 “极度疲惫”,当你想强调 “exhausted” 这个词时,你可以加上以下副词后,这样说:
I'm so exhausted.我好累啊!
I'm completely exhausted.我完全精疲力竭了。
However,it doesn't sound right to say "I'm very exhausted".That's because "very" is al-ready included in the meaning of the word:"ex-hausted" means "very tired".Adjectives like this are sometimes called "ungradable" or "extreme"adjectives.
但是,说 “I'm very exhausted.”(我非常精疲力竭) 听起来不自然。因为 “exhausted” 本身就包含 “非常”的含义:“精疲力竭” 意味着 “非常疲惫”。这类形容词有时被称为 “不可分级” 或 “极端” 形容词。
Here are some more examples:
horrible 可怕的terrible 极差的delicious 美味的
enormous 巨大的amazing 超赞的excruciating 极度痛苦的
The second expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第2个表达是
physically and mentally身体上和心理上地
"Physically" means related to someone's body or to solid objects."Mentally" means relat ed to someone's mind.These words often go to-gether.
“Physically” 意思是与某人的身体或实体的物件有关。“mentally”意思是与某人的心理有关。这两个词通常搭配使用。
You need to be totally physically and mentally prepared before you even attempt it.
Sometimes the word "spiritually" gets included instead.It means related to someone's spirit or soul.
有时候 “spiritually” 这个词也会与其他两个词连用。这意味着与某人的精神或灵魂有关。
After Merill died,I was in pain physically,mentally,and spiritually,for quite a long time.