(12)比较(Degrees of Comparison)
1. 比较的语尾变化:
a. 一音节词及某些二音节词:
比较级 + er。如 long→long er,wise→wis er,big→big ger,dry→dr ier,noble→nobl er,often→often er。
最高级 + est。 如 long→long est,wise→wis est,big→big gest,dry→dr iest,noble→nobl es t,often→often est,happy→happ iest。
b. 二音节以上的词:
比较级:加 more 在前,如 honest→ more honest,happily→ more happily,interesting→ more interesting。
最高级:加 most 在前,如 useful→ most useful,carefully→ most carefully,honest→ most honest,以上为有规则的变化,至于不规则变化如 good→better→best 之类,则如不规则动词一样,须一一记住方可。
2. 比较变化的用法:
a. 比较级用于比较二者之事物。
A is bigger than B.(比较级常与 than 连用)
b. 三者以上之比较时,用最高级。
He is the biggest of all.(最高级常有定冠词 the)
A. 将括号中的形客词用为比较级或最高级:
1. He is the(strong)boy in the whole school.
2. Of the two sisters Mary is the(beautiful).
3. Ann is the(young)of my four sisters.
4. John is the(old)of all my friends.
5. This is the(good)story I have ever read.
6. Which do you like(good)tea or coffee?
7. Iron is the(useful)of all metals.
8. The Yangtse is the(large)river in China.
9. Which of the two boys is(tall)?
10. George is(bad)than his brother.
B. 下列文中有错误者,改正之:
1. Keelung is smaller to Taipei.
2. New York is the larger city in the United States.
3. He is the better student from all.
4. John is more stronger than his brother.
5. I am two years elder than my sister.
6. Which is the heaviest,you or I?
7. Which of the three girls is the elder?
8. This boy’s manners are more good than his brother’s.
9. Which of the boys is the taller to the class?
10. Mount Everest is the higher mountain of the world.
C. 将括号中正确的词填入空白处:
1. He sat down and said nothing____(farther,further).
2. Is that the____edition of the Times(last,latest).
3. Wash your hands if they are not____(clean,clear).
4. A prize was given to____one of the two best students(each,every).
5. He knows____words than his brother(less,fewer).
6. I was____when I heard of his father’s death(angry,sorry).
7. John is____than his cousin(higher,taller).
8. Tom is five years old,he is too____to go to school(small,young).
9. George is my____brother(older,elder).
10. My brother George is____than I am(older,elder).