Dark-horse candidate黑马(候选人)
Everyone was surprised when Pedro won the election because he was a dark-horse candidate.
Meaning:a contestant about whom little is known and who wins unexpectedly
►Origin: There are at least three possible origins to this idiom and all come from horse racing in the early 1800s. The first is that a dark horse was a fast runner whose speed was kept secret (“dark”) until the race started, and who, to everyone's surprise, won. The second is that an owner of a fast horse sometimes dyed its hair black as a disguise before a big race. The third is that a certain American horse trader fooled people by disguising his fast black stallion as an ordinary saddle horse. He rode the horse into town, arranged for a race, took bets on it, and always won. The term was introduced into American politics with the surprise win of President James Polk in 1844.
Dead as a doornaiI毫无胜算;毫无希望
When Monica quit the show, the class play was as dead as a doornail.
Meaning:totally dead or hopeless; without a chance of success
►Origin: A book in the mid-1300s first used this expression. Perhaps its origin was the image of a metal plate (called a doornail) being hit so many times by the door knocker that it had its life knocked out of it. Also,“dead as a doornail”contains alliteration, and so does this variation on the saying:“dead as a dodo (an extinct bird).”Either expression is a good way to describe something that is out of date or no longer in existence.
►语源:13世纪中期的一本书首次用到这个短语。或许它的来源和安装在门上的金属有关(叫做门钉),它被来访的客人敲了那么多遍早已掉了。“dead as a doornail”这个短语押头韵,而它的另外一个变体是“dead as a dodo(渡渡鸟)”。不管哪个短语都表达了某样东西已过时或者说不存在。
Dead duck完蛋了的人/物
When Jeddy finds out that Sandee lost the money, she's a dead duck.
Meaning:a person who is ruined; a person or project unlikely to continue or survive
►Origin: This expression dates from the mid- to late 1800s.“Dead”has often referred to an idea, plan, project, or person that is ruined or hopeless.“Duck”added alliteration to help the saying become popular.
Diamond in the rough未经雕琢的钻石;璞玉
“This old car is a diamond in the rough,”said Ryan.“I'll tap out her Dents, slap on a coat of paint, and she'll be a real beauty.”
Meaning:someone or something that doesn't look so good now, but that has great merit and the potential to be beautiful
►Origin: When you see a smooth, polished diamond in a jewelry store, you see it in its finished form. When it was dug out of the mine, it was a rough, dull chunk of carbon. You could never put it into a ring, necklace, or bracelet like that. But then the diamond cutters and polishers got to work, and soon that rock was an exquisite and expensive sparkling gem. In the same way, persons or things may look crude or coarse at first. But if fixed up, they can be beautiful. Here are some examples of possible“diamonds in the rough”: the first draft of a story that needs to be revised; a dilapidated, run-down house that needs a makeover; a potentially great singer who needs singing lessons. One of the best examples is Eliza Doolittle, a poor, dirty flower seller on the streets of London who was educated to become“My Fair Lady.”
Dime a dozen廉价物
He thought his old books were rare, but they were a dime a dozen.
Meaning:very common and inexpensive; easy to get and available anywhere
►Origin: In 1786 the U.S. Continental Congress officially named the ten-cent coin a“dime.”The dime soon became a popular coin. Millions were minted. Everyone had them, since they were so cheap, so abundant, and so common, the phrase“a dime a dozen”became a natural way to describe any everyday thing that was easy to get and of small value. And“dime”and“dozen”begin with the same letter, which makes the saying catchy through alliteration.
►语源:1786年美国大陆议会官方命名10美分为1角。之后角就成为很受欢迎的硬币,并且成千上万地进行铸造。每个人都能拥有,因为它面值小、数量大,又极其普遍。所以“a dime a dozen”这个短语很自然地被用来形容日常的不值钱又随处可见的东西。“dime”和“dozen”用相同的字母开头,是运用押头韵的手法使短语更具有吸引力。
Do or die不屈不挠;孤注一掷;决一死战
Marcy was determined to win the gold medal, do or die!
Meaning:to succeed or fail completely; take the chance of ruining oneself in trying to succeed.
►Origin:“Do”means to achieve or get something done.“Die”doesn't necessarily mean that your life will end if you don't accomplish what you set out to do. It is an exaggeration. If you make a do-or-die effort, you're trying your hardest to succeed, no matter what obstacles might be in the way.
Dog days of summer三伏天,大热天
Sales of air conditioners are usual1y highest during the dog days of summer.
Meaning:the hottest and most humid days of summer, usually much of July and August
►Origin: In ancient Roman times people who studied astronomy knew that Sirius, the Dog Star, rose and set with the sun during the hottest weeks of the year, July through mid-August. People thought that the heat from the Dog Star combined with the heat from the sun to make those weeks extra hot. That's why people today call this uncomfortable time the“dog days.”People tend to get bored and tired at this time because it's so hot outside.
►语源:古罗马学习天文学的人都知道天狼星(英文直译为“天狗星”),从七月到八月中旬随着太阳升落。人们认为天狼星和太阳所释放的热量使这几周格外的炎热。这就是为什么人们把这一段难熬的日子叫做“dog days”。因为外面太热了,在这段时间里人们总是容易烦躁和疲倦。
Dog-eat-dog worId竞争残酷的世界
When Helen got her first job, she realized what a dog-eat-dog world it was.
Meaning:a way of life marked by fierce competition in which people compete ruthlessly for survival or success
►Origin: This saying might go back as far as the 1500s. Sometimes savage dogs that were desperately hungry would fight bitterly for the same piece of food. A writer who observed this created the expression“dog-eat-dog world”to describe the willingness of some people to fight and hurt others in a merciless competition to get what they wanted. Today this phrase is usually used to describe the worlds of business and politics.
►语源:这个习语大概要追溯到16世纪。极度饥饿的野狗们为了争一口食物也会进行激烈的残杀。发现了这个现象的作家就创造了“dog-eat-dog world”来描述某些人为了得到想要的东西在残酷的竞争中伤害他人。现在这个短语经常用于形容商界和政界。
Dog's Iife悲惨的生活,猪狗不如的生活
Poor Mrs. Youngman. With that miserable job and those screaming children, she leads a dog's life.
Meaning:a bleak, harsh, terrible existence without much happiness or freedom
►Origin: Erasmus, a Dutch scholar and theologian, used this expression in his writings around l542. Today there is a great effort to treat dogs humanely, so many dogs lead good lives. But dogs generally don't live as well as people. In some countries dogs are not kept as pets, and, in fact, it is common to eat them. So this expression has come to mean leading a poor or unhappy life.
Don't count your chickens before they hatch.别高兴得太早了。
I spent the money I planned to earn and then the job was canceled. I shouldn't have counted my chickens before they hatched.
Meaning:Don't count on profits before you earn them or have them in hand.
►Origin: Aesop once wrote about a woman carrying a basket of eggs. In her mind she figured how much she would get for the chickens when the eggs hatched and exactly how she would spend the money. She got so excited that she dropped her egg basket. Every egg smashed. Today we use this fable to warn people not to be confident of getting a result, realizing an ambition, or making a profit before it actually happens.
Don't Iook a gift horse in the mouth.馈赠之马,勿看牙口;收人礼物别嫌好歹。
When Sandy complained about her present, her dad told her not to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Meaning:Don't complain if a gift is not perfect; take what you've been given without criticism or emphasis on its worth.
►Origin: You can tell how old a horse is by looking at the size and shape of its teeth. What“don't look a gift horse in the mouth”means is that if you find too many faults with a gift by examining it too closely, you're sure to be disappointed and possibly insult the person who gave it to you.
Don't take any wooden nickeIs.当心,不要上当受骗。
Have a good trip to Chicago, and don't take any wooden nickels.
Meaning:Don't let anyone cheat you or take advantage of you.
►Origin: This popular American expression was first used in the early 1900s during the great migration from rural areas to the big cities. The phrase meant that one should beware of city slickers, people who would sometimes pass out counterfeit coins (“wooden nickels”). Soon wooden nickels came to represent any kind of trickery or double-dealing.
Dose of one's own medicine自食其果
After he soaked Josh with the hose, Timmy got a dose of his own medicine when he fell into a puddle.
Meaning:the same or a similar bad thing done back to the person who did it first
►Origin: Sometimes a dose of medicine is hard to swallow. The person giving the medicine doesn't suffer because he or she doesn't have to taste it. But if, after someone makes you drink the awful liquid, he has to swallow it himself, he'll have the same unpleasant experience he inflicted on you. In the same manner, if anyone does something mean and then has a similar nasty thing happen to him, he'd be getting a“dose (some people say‘taste') of his own medicine.”
►语源:有时,药是很难下咽的。开药的人不知道这种痛苦是因为他不用吃药。但是开药的人让你喝完苦药后自己也要喝同样的东西的话,他就会遭受和你一样的痛苦。同样的,如果有人做了坏事之后有同样的结果加诸到他的身上,那么他就得到了“dose (一些人说‘taste') of his own medicine(自酿的苦酒)”。
Dot your i's and cross your t's一丝不苟
Mrs. Potter wants us to proofread our papers and dot all the i's and cross all the t's.
Meaning:to take great care over details
►Origin: An expression similar to this first appeared in books in the early l500s. If you want good penmanship, you'd better be careful with things like the dots over the i's and the lines crossing the t's. Today this widely used saying refers to being extremely thorough by paying close attention to details in whatever you do.
Down in the dumps闷闷不乐的,垂头丧气的
After she lost the election, Kim was down in the dumps.
Meaning:sad and depressed
►Origin: You might think that“dumps”in this saying refers to a garbage dump, but it doesn't. Some word experts think that“dumps”comes from old German words that meant“mental haze,”“dullness,”or“gloomy.”So, if you're in a mental fog because you're so unhappy, you're definitely“down in the dumps.”Note the alliteration in this idiom. Similar, older expressions are“down in the mouth”and“down-at-the-heels.”
►语源:你或许会认为这个短语里的“dumps”指的是垃圾堆,其实不然。一些词汇专家认为“dumps”来自古日耳曼语,意思是“精神迷雾”、“迟钝”或者“沮丧”。所以如果你因为极度不开心而陷在精神迷雾中,那毫无疑问的你已经“down in the dumps”。注意这则习语的头韵。同样的,比较旧一点的类似习语是“down in the mouth”和“down-at-the-heels”。
Down the drain付诸东流
When her company went out of business, her money went down the drain.
Meaning:lost forever; wasted
►Origin: In some places, water is more precious than oil or gold. Without water, crops can't grow and people can't live. Once water goes down the drain, it's gone and cannot be retrieved. Today we say that anything precious that's been wasted or lost has gone“down the drain.”
►语源:在一些地方,水比石油或者黄金都更珍贵。没有水,庄稼不能生长,人不能生活。当水流进排水沟,就意味着再也收不回来。今天我们形容珍贵的东西被浪费或者丢掉为“down the drain”。
Down the hatch干杯;喝完
Grandma handed me a glass of smelly medicine and said,“Down the hatch.”
Meaning:to swallow a drink in one gulp
►Origin: People have used this expression for centuries. A ship's passengers, crew, and cargo pass through an opening in the deck called the hatch. Sometime in the mid-1500s a clever toastmaster, probably a sailor, realized that a drink going into a person's mouth was like things going into the hatch of a ship. He lifted a glass to his lips and said,“Down the hatch,”and a new toast was born.
►语源:这个短语已经被使用了几个世纪。船上乘客、工作人员和货物通过的甲板上的开口叫做舱口。16世纪中期的某个时候有位聪明的祝酒人,或许是个水手,意识到饮料进入人的喉咙的感觉就像物品进入船的舱口。于是他举起酒杯说“Down the hatch”,就这样一个新的祝酒词诞生了。
Even though Judi's parents are millionaires, they don't act snobbishly. They are really quite down-to-earth.
Meaning:practical; sensible; realistic
►Origin: This expression dates from the first half of the 20th century. A person with his or her“head in the clouds”might be absentminded or full of daydreams. But a person who is“down-to-earth”is direct and practical. Earth is where useful things grow. It's where sensible people have their two feet firmly planted.
►语源:这个短语可以追溯到20世纪上半叶。一个“head in the clouds (脑袋在天上)”的人会整天心不在焉,脑子里装满白日梦。但是一个人如果“down-to-earth”就说明他很直接而且实际。土地是各种有用的东西生长的地方。明智的人都会去脚踏实地地做事。
I can't talk to you now. I'm down-to-the-wire on this research report.
Meaning:running out of time; at the very last minute
►Origin: This saying started in the early 1900s and became popular by the 1940s. It comes from horse racing and the wire marking the end of the race. Today we refer to that finish line when we say that a person working until the last possible moment on a project is coming down-to-the-wire. Sometimes this expression can also describe a person who is very low on money.
Draw the Iine at禁止,限制
My parents give me a lot of freedom, but they draw the line at letting me stay out late on school nights.
Meaning:to set a specific limit, especially about behavior
►Origin: For thousands of years, whenever land was being divided, a line was drawn to show the end of one person's property and the beginning of another person's. There might be trouble if people were not sure of the boundary lines. There are other possible origins from sports like cricket and tennis.
Dressed to the nines打扮时髦的
When Ramon came into the gym on the night of the dance, he was dressed to the nines.
Meaning:wearing fashionable clothing; dressed to attract attention
►Origin: There are a number of theories about the word“nines”in this idiom that dates back at 1east to the 18th century. Two possibilities are that nine is a mystical or sacred number in numerology (3×3) and represents perfection. Another theory is that the saying comes from an old English expression“dressed to then eyne,”which meant dressed fashionably from your toes right up to your eyes (“to then eyne”). Over time the letter“n”shifted one space to the right and“eyne”became“neyne”and eventually“nines.”The saying is sometimes expressed as“dressed to the teeth”or“dressed to kill.”Kill means to impress someone, not to murder them.
►语源:关于习语中“nines”这个词有很多说法,最早的可以追溯到18世纪。9有两种可能的解释:第一,在数字占卜术中9是个神秘且神圣的数字(3×3),代表完美、圆满。另外一种理论说这个短语来自古英语习语中的“dressed to then eyne”,意思是从头到脚打扮得光鲜时髦。随着时间的推移,字母“n”右移,“eyne”变成“neyne”,进而演变为“nines”。这个短语也经常表达为“dressed to the teeth”或者“dressed to kill”。“kill”的意思是“让某人印象深刻”,而不是“杀了某人”。
Drive a hard bargain杀价,极力讨价还价
I had to trade him three of my best comic books for just one baseball card. He sure drives a hard bargain.
Meaning:to insist on hard terms in making an agreement that is often to your advantage; buy or sell at a good price
►Origin: This idiom goes back to Greek writings of A.D. 950. It made its way into English about 500 years later. To“drive”means to vigorously carry through some task;“hard”means tough.
Drive you crazy令人发狂
It drives me crazy if my little brother bangs on his drum when I'm on the phone.
Meaning:to make someone angry or confused; make somebody very annoyed or frustrated
►Origin: This popular expression originated in America in the 1900s. To“drive”has long meant to be in control of a situation (see“in the driver's seat”and“backseat driver”). So if someone is doing something so annoying that it's making you lose your wits, then you're being driven“crazy, mad, nuts”—or even“up a wall.”
►语源:这个普遍的短语源自20世纪的美国。“drive”意思是对某一情况的控制(见“in the driver's seat”和“backseat driver”),所以当某人正在做一件极其讨厌的事,并且这件事让你失去理智,这时候你就已经“being driven‘crazy, mad, nuts(疯了)'”甚至是“up a wall(要翻墙逃跑)”。
Drop in the bucket沧海一粟,微不足道,九牛一毛
I've saved all month for a skateboard, but I still have only a drop in the bucket.
Meaning:a very small, insignificant amount
►Origin: Sometimes this expression, which comes from the Bible, is“a drop in the ocean.”It's easy to see that one little drop of water is close to nothing when compared with all the water in a bucket. In the same way, a small amount of anything is like a drop in the bucket when compared with the full amount that is needed or desired.
►语源:这个短语来源于圣经中的“a drop in the ocean”。显然一滴水和一桶水相比几乎等于不存在。同样的,一小部分的东西与想要得到的全部事物相比也一样微不足道。
Drop you Iike a hot potato甩掉麻烦;丢掉烫手山芋
When she found out that Mark was lying to her, she dropped him like a hot potato.
Meaning:to get rid of something or somebody as quickly as possible
►Origin: A hot potato stays hot for a long time because it contains a lot of water. If someone actually handed you a hot potato, you'd drop it quickly. If you didn't, you'd burn your hand. A writer in the early 19th century used this simile to mean to abandon, or drop, someone or something as fast as possible.“Hot potato”by itself means any embarrassing or dangerous problem.
►语源:热土豆之所以烫手是因为它包含了大量的水分。当某人递给你一块热土豆时记得马上扔掉它。如果不扔,它将会烫伤你的手。19世纪早期的一个作家用这个来比喻尽快甩掉、扔掉某人或某物。“hot potato”本身的意思是尴尬或者危险的问题。
DuII as dishwater单调乏味
Programs on that channel are as dull as dishwater.
Meaning:not inspiring; uninteresting
►Origin: An earlier form of this English expression was“dull as ditchwater,”meaning the muddy water of a ditch. Charles Dickens used it that way in a book in l865 to describe something boring and tedious. Ditchwater is cloudy, and definitely not exciting. So is dishwater. The change in words probably occurred as a mispronunciation or mistake in printing.
►语源:这个短语的早期表达是“dull as ditchwater”,意思是像沟里的浑水一样乏味。查尔斯·狄更斯于1865年在书中用它来形容事物乏味、无聊。沟中的死水浑浊,当然不会令人感到兴奋。“dishwater(洗碗水)”这个词也是一样的。词的转换可能是因为拼写错误也可能是印刷时出了错。
Dutch treat各付己账;AA制
Lorrie and Al went Dutch treat to the movies.
Meaning:Each person pays for his or her own food and entertainment.
►Origin: This expression came from American slang in the late 1800s. Some word experts think it was first used by people who observed the habits of Dutch immigrants, who were thrifty and saved their money. When people paid for their own food and entertainment, especially on a date, the practice was dubbed“Dutch treat.”“Go Dutch”means the same thing.
►语源:这个表达来自19世纪晚期的美国俚语。一些词汇专家认为它最先被发现荷兰移民者节俭生活习惯的人们使用。当人们在外出时,特别是约会时各付各的餐饮和娱乐费的行为就叫做“Dutch treat”。“go Dutch”与之意思相同。
Dyed-in-the-wooI (政治)信仰坚定的
Mr. Freedman is a dyed-in-the-wool Republican and has never voted for a Democrat in his life.
Meaning:complete; permanent; stubborn
►Origin: If wool is dyed while still in its raw state, the dye lasts longer than wool dyed after being spun or woven. At least since 1579 the idea of something being so deeply a part of something else that it wouldn't be easily changed was applied to people who had strong, unchangeable beliefs with the expression“dyed-in-the-wool.”This saying was first used in the political sense in 1830 during the administration of Andrew Jackson.