第5章 Spring——George Gissing
Morning after morning, of late, I have taken my walk in the same direction, my purpose being to look at a plantation of young larches.There is no lovelier colour on earth than that in which they are now clad; it seems to refresh as well asgladdenmy eyes, and its influence sinks deep into my heartToo soon it will change; already I think the firs radiant verdurehas begun to pass into summer'ssoberness. The larch has its moment of unmatched beauty—and well for him whose chance permits him to enjoy it, spring after spring.
Could anything be more wonderful than the fact that here am I, day by day, not only at leisure to walk forth and gaze at the larches, but blessed with thetranquilityof mind needful for such enjoyment?On any morning of spring sunshine, how many mortals find themselves so much at peace that they are able to give themselves wholly to delight in the glory of heaven and of earth.Is it the case with one man in every fifty thousand? Consider what extraordinary kindness of fate must tend upon one, that not a care, not a preoccupation, should interfere with his contemplativethought for five or six days successively! So rooted in the human mind (and so reasonably rooted) is the belief in an Envious Power, that I ask myself whether I shall not have to pay, by some disaster, for this period of sacred clam. For a week or so I have been one of a small number, chosen out of the whole human race by fate's supremebenediction.It may be that this comes to everyone in turn; to most, it can only be once in a lifetime, and so briefly.That my own lot seems so much better than that of ordinary men, sometimes makes me fearful.
gladden v. 使喜悦,使高兴
radiant adj. 辐射的,容光焕发的,光芒四射的
verdure n. 碧绿
soberness n. 清醒,暗淡
leisure n. 闲暇,空闲
tranquility n. 宁静,平静
contemplative adj. 沉思的,冥想的
benediction n. 祝福,恩赐
①There is no lovelier colour on earth than that in which they are now clad; it seems to refresh as well as gladden my eyes, and its influence sinks deep into my heart世上再没有任何一个颜色能够与它外衣的颜色相媲美了。它在让我感到清新的同时,又使我满怀喜悦,并深深地打动了我的心。
②On any morning of spring sunshine, how many mortals find themselves so much at peace that they are able to give themselves wholly to delight in the glory of heaven and of earth.春日里,那一缕缕清晨的阳光曾使多少人重新找回了内心的安宁,在天地间尽情享受这无限的光辉。
③It may be that this comes to everyone in turn; to most, it can only be once in a lifetime, and so briefly也许,每个人都会得到这种祝福。然而,这种祝福对大多数人而言,一生也只能拥有一次,而时间却又如此短暂。