Part A Situational Dialogue
Communicative Scene 1
Tips for Seeking Business Opportunities
(Miss Fan Xin has just graduated from the university. She works in China Tea Export Corporation and is desirous of starting business. She is asking Liu Tao, a veteran businessman for some advice.)
Liu:Fan Xin, you seem troubled. Is anything the matter?
Fan:Oh, Mr. Liu.I'd like to ask you some questions.
Liu:Yes, go ahead. 1
Fan:You see, I'm really green. 2 I lack experience here.I wonder if you could give me some advice about how to seek business opportunities.
Liu:By all means,3 there are tricks in every trade. 4
Fan:I am eager to learn. 5
Liu:Since we entered into the 21st century, great changes have taken place in the way of doing business. We may establish business relations with companies thousands of miles away through many channels.
Fan:It sounds interesting.
Liu:I'd like to introduce you some main channels. From my point of view, nowadays the most effective way to find clients is surfing the Internet.Its advantage is fast and inexpensive.You may make a search on the web for prospective clients.
Fan:It is a good idea. It's a pity that I haven't learnt much about it in the classroom.
Liu:E-commerce plays an important part in modern business. It is easier and time-saving to find potential customers from the Internet.We needn't travel here and there to find customers and we still know a lot.
Fan:Oh, I can't wait to try it.
Liu:A Chamber of Commerce is an important channel to get the information and contact businessmen. Fan:What is Chamber of Commerce?
Liu:Chamber of Commerce is an organization of businessmen. One of the main tasks for this organization is to help the companies or members get the business information and seek opportunities.
Fan:I remember now. Anything more?
Liu:Looking up in the Trade Directory is helpful, too.
Fan:What shall I do?
Liu:You will find companies by checking the specific categories. Then you'll get the name, address and telephone number of the desired companies.
Fan:I learned from a textbook that banks usually supply the names and addresses of companies for businessmen.
Liu:Actually, it's not always the case. Banks help companies for credit investigation.But they should keep the information of customers confidential, too.6 As a matter of fact, you can't rely on their finding clients for you in the foreign trade now.
Fan:Oh, really?
Liu:Some points in the trade books published long time ago may be out of date. You should be careful when you read and don't follow the old idea.
Fan:You said it. 7
Liu:Necessary information can be obtained from Commercial Counselor's Office stationed abroad 8 and advertisement in the newspapers and magazines. Going to business fairs may be a good way to get in touch with customers but the cost is too high.
Fan:Um, I see your point.
Liu:After you get the desired names and addresses, you may begin to send e-mail, fax or telephone to start business.
Fan:Oh, yes.
Liu:Thanks to the development of the means of communication we no longer need to go to post office to send telegram or telex.
Fan:Yeah, the modern development ends its function.
Liu:Nowadays the most common and quickest way of communication is by sending e-mail, fax and telephone call.
Fan:True enough.
Liu:We can get in touch with whomever we want within seconds by using the Internet and computer. Fan:It seems that we can probably make sure of business in the office.I am confident to start the
business now.
Communicative Scene 2
Contact the Client
(Miss Fan Xin is contacting a foreign company for business opportunities.)
Fan:Hello, May I speak to import manager?
Rance:This is Mr. Rance of the Import Department.Who is it, please?9
Fan:This is Fan Xin of China Tea Export Corporation.
Rance:What can I do for you?
Fan:I have come to know your company by making a search on the Internet. Your website shows that you are one of the leading importers of tea business in the European market.I am glad to introduce my corporation to you as a professional one, specializing in the line of tea products.10
Rance:Oh, I am interested. Would you tell me more about your business scope?
Fan:Certainly, we are exporters of high reputation, trading in various kinds of Black Tea, White Tea, Green Tea, Oolong Tea and Jasmine Tea. We have been in this line of business for more than fifty years.
Rance:Nice to hear that. How about the quality of tea?
Fan:You may rest assured. 11 Our tea products are very popular for their superb quality.We have our own processing factory and a lot of experienced technicians.Our Grade-A Jasmine Tea has won international high quality medals.
Rance:That's very inspiring. So far the teabags cater to modern consumption habit.12 Can you supply them?
Fan:Yes, we are going all out to exploit new markets and push our new products. We are producing teabags in order to meet the need of world market.
Rance:What a coincidence!It seems to be what we are looking for.
Fan:We are also producing ice tea and Oolong liquor. They gain the character of quick and convenient drinking.
Rance:Fine. It would be very helpful if you could send us your catalogue or brochures for our further study.
Fan:In order to let you have a general idea of all our products, I am going to send you our latest 13 illustrated catalogue by EMS for your perusal.
Rance:Please send some samples of your teabags and new tea products.
Fan:No problem.
Rance:We'll let you know the result as soon as we study them.
Fan:I am looking forward to your favorable news soon.
Communicative Scene 3
Establish Business Relations
(Mr. Rance is contacting Miss Fan Xin for establishing business relations.)
Rance:Hello, Miss Fan. This is Rance speaking.
Fan:Oh, hi, Mr. Rance.
Rance:We have got your pamphlet, samples of your teabags and new tea products sent by express mail.
Fan:What do you think of our items?
Rance:After careful examination, we find that your tea is excellent in quality and beautifully packed as you described in the last talk.
Fan:Exactly. We always adhere to the principle of keeping the promise and honoring the contract.
Rance:We made a market research on your teabags and new tea products and find there is a ready market for them. 14
Fan:It's quite good.
Rance:As your tea products fall within the range of our business activities, we would like to express our wish to set up trade relations with your corporation.
Fan:Your desire to establish business relations coincides with ours. 15 Building up direct business relations between our companies will be mutually beneficial.
Rance:I have no doubt that it will bring about closer ties between our two companies.
Fan:It is our policy to trade with businessmen all over the world on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.
Rance:I know what you mean. We are considering expanding our business with you.Fan:I'd be so pleased if you would.
Rance:Oh, yes. We are prepared to trade with you in this line.16
Fan:Sounds great!
Rance:I think I'll discuss with you more details about our business by e-mail.
Fan:I am for you. Our mutual understanding and cooperation will certainly result in more business.
Words and Expressions
1.lack of experience 缺乏经验,不熟练
lack n.常与 of 连用,表示缺乏,也可作动词
2.veteran n.老手,经验丰富的人
3.trick n.诀窍,窍门,诡计
4.from my point of view 依我的观点看来
5.effective adj.有效的,生效的,显著的
6.client n.客户,顾客
prospective clients 预期的客户
potential customers 潜在的客户
7.surf the Internet 网络搜索
8.prospective adj.预期的,未来的
9.Trade Directory 同业名录,行名录
10.specific categories 具体的行业分类
11.credit investigation 资信调查
12.as a matter of fact 实际上
13.professional adj.专业的,职业的
14.telegram n.cable电报
15.telex n.电传
16.cater v.迎合,满足需要
17.go all out 全力以赴
18.Oolong Tea 乌龙茶
Oolong liquor 乌龙浓缩液
19.Jasmine Tea 茉莉花茶
20.superb adj.极好的,超等的
21.processing n.加工,处理
22.exploit v.开发,开拓
23.push out 推出,使突出
24.gain the character of 博得……名声
25.catalogue n.目录
26.brochure n.pamphlet小册子(常包括推销材料或产品信息)
27.sample n.样品
28.bring about 使发生,致使,造成
1.go ahead
① 可以,干吧,表示毫不犹豫地开始做某事。
I'd like to ask you some questions.
Yes, go ahead.
② 常单独用于口语,当某人讲话欲言又止时,可用来催促大胆地说。
Go ahead and tell us what you want.
③ 前进,走在前面
Go ahead. This way, please.
2.I'm really green.
green 除众所周知绿色的意思之外,还有未成熟的、无经验的含义。
green hand 新手,刚入门某一行的人就可被称之为green hand.
3.by all means
① 当然可以
② 一定,务必
by means of 借助于
by any means 用一切手段和办法
by some means 通过某种办法
by this means 用这种办法
by no means 决不
not by any means 绝对不
by what means 怎样
4.There are tricks in every trade.
trick 诀窍,窍门,诡计
5.I am eager to learn.
be eager for success
be eager about one's progress
6.Banks help companies for credit investigation.But they should keep the information of customers confidential, too.
① keep confidential, be confidential, in confidence(保密)
Any information that you supplied to us would be held in strict confidence.
② confident adj.信心,自信心
I am confident to start the business now.
7.You said it.
8.Commercial Counselor's Office stationed abroad 驻外使馆商务处
9.This is Mr.Rance of Import Department.Who is it, please?
汉语中一般不自称我是某先生,而当用英语自我介绍时若在名字前冠以Mr.,Mrs.,Miss 等称呼,便于辨别性别或身份。
10.I am glad to introduce my corporation to you as a professional one, specializing in the line of tea products.
① specializing in 是现在分词短语作定语,修饰a professional one, specializing 与in搭配表示专营某产品。
11.You may rest assured.
① assured adj.放心的,确信的
You can rest assured that our business relationship will be expanded continuously.
12.So far the teabags cater to modern consumption habit.
① cater to/for 迎合,投合
The producers are catering to the taste of consumers.
13.In order to let you have a general idea of all our products, I am going to send you our latest illustrated catalogue by EMS for your perusal.
① have a general idea 有个大概的了解
14.We made a market research on your teabags and new tea products and find there is a ready market for them.
① make a market research 开展市场调查
② There is a ready market.很受市场欢迎。
15.Your desire to establish business relations coincides with ours.
① coincide with 一致,完全相应,相符
What he said coincided with the facts.
② coincidence n.巧合,同时发生,一致
What a coincidence!真巧!
16.We are prepared to trade with you in this line.
① be prepared to 表示愿意,并且能够做好
We are prepared to set up business relations with your company.
*17. be desirous of 渴望的
Many clients are desirous of establishing business relationship with you.
① be desirous to do sth.
② be desirous that……
*18.EMS abbr.Express Mail Service 邮政特快专递
世界四大著名快递公司:DHL敦豪速递;Fedex(Federal Express)联邦快递;
TNT(TNT Express)TNT快递;UPS(Universal Postal Service)联合包裹服务
① illustrated catalogue 附图目录
② for your perusal 供细阅