10.1 Subject to the provisions of paragraph 10.2 an Advocate may engage in any advertising or promotion in connection with his practice which conforms to the British Codes of Advertising and Sales Promotion and such advertising or promotion may include:
(a)photographs or other illustrations of the Advocate;
(b)statements of rates and methods of charging;
(c)statements about the nature and extent of the Advocate’s services;
(d)information about any case in which the Advocate has appeared(including the name of any client for whom the Advocate acted)where such information has already become publicly available or, where it has not already become publicly available, with the express prior written consent of the lay client.
10.2 Advertising or promotion must not:
(a)be inaccurate or likely to mislead;
(b)be likely to diminish public confidence in the legal profession or the administration of justice or otherwise bring the legal profession into disrepute;
(c)make direct comparisons in terms of quality with or criticisms of other identifiable persons(whether they be Advocates or Members of any other profession);
(d)include statements about the Advocate’s success rate;
(e)indicate or imply any willingness to accept instructions or any intention to restrict the persons from whom instructions may be accepted otherwise than in accordance with this Code;
(f)be so frequent or obtrusive as to cause annoyance to those to whom it is directed.