Ⅰ.Fill in the following blanks.(22 points)
1._____by Ezra Pound,employs the complex association of scholarly lore,anthropology,modern history and personages,private history and witticism,and obscure literary interpolations in various languages.
2.Virginia Woolf’s novel_____,published in 1925,made her reputation as an important psychological writer.
3._____satirizes bourgeois businessmen whose ill-gotten money is squeezed out of poor,suffering people.The main characters in the play include Trench and Blanche.
4.The American writers of the 1950s often used the psychological insights taken from the writing of the Austrian psychiatrist_____and his followers.
5.Lawrence’s novel_____was positively taken as a typical example of Oedipus Complex in fiction.
6.Early in the 1920s,the most prominent of the new American playwrights,whose name is_____,established an international reputation.
7.Eliot’s_____is a morality play in verse dealing with the assassination of Archbishop Thomas Becket by knights of HenryⅡ.
8._____wrote about the disintegration of the old social system in the American Southern States and its effect on the lives of modern people,both black and white.
9._____was successful in two fields of activity which did not seem compatible with one another:he was a very successful businessman and a very remarkable contemporary poet at the same time.
10.Set in Spain during the Civil War,the novel_____stated again Hemingway’s view of love found and lost,and described the indomitable spirit of the common people.
11.English_____of the 19th century flourished in the forties and in the early fifties.
12.The Victorian Age in English literature was largely an age of prose,especially of the_____.
13.Mr.Peggotty and Steerforth are two characters in Dickens’s novel_____.
14._____,a lyrical drama,is Shelly’s masterpiece.The story was taken from Greek mythology.
15.Among Hardy’s novels,the best-known are_____and Jude the Obscure.
16.The American novelist_____probed deeply at the individual psychology of his characters,writing in a rich and intricate style that supported his intense scrutiny of complex human experience.
17.The name of the heroine in The Portrait of a Lady is_____.
18.The best work that Mark Twain ever produced is_____,which was a success from its first publication in 1884,and has always been regarded as one of the great books of Western literature and Western civilization.
19.Dreiser’s novel_____,a commercial and critical failure when first published in 1900,was reissued in 1907 and won high praise for its grim,naturalistic portrayal of American society.
20._____is the novel into which Jack London put most of himself.
21.The way in which_____wrote The Scarlet Letter suggests that American Romanticism adapted itself to American Puritan moralism.
22.Byron is chiefly known for his two long poems,one is Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage,the other is_____.
Ⅱ.Define,in complete sentences,the following terms and phrases.(18 points)
1.heroic couplet
3.the Muses
5.Renaissance literature
6.“Trilogy of Desire”
Ⅲ.Give a brief answer to each of the questions below.(40 points)
1.How many books does Paradise Lost consist of?Who are the four main characters in the epic,and what are the respective relations between them?
2.List four of the main points made by Wordsworth in the preface to Lyrical Ballads.
3.Why does Oscar Wilde put forward the doctrine“art for art’s sake”?
4.Give some different explanations of the symbolic meaning of“A”in The Scarlet Letter by Hawthorne.
5.Mention some aspects in which Gatsby’s behavior appears to be“great,”and explain why Scott Fitzgerald says Gatsby is great.
Ⅳ.Answer the following questions according to your understanding of English and American literary history and criticism.(40 points)
1.As a pioneering novelist of England,Daniel Defoe is often given the credit for the discovery of the modern novel.Does he deserve that honor?What is the title of his great work?When was the book published,and what real experiences is it based upon?What is the significance of the novel?What are some of the author’s biases revealed in the novel if we examine it from a modern critic’s point of view?
2.What is the subject of T.S.Eliot’s masterpiece The Waste Land?What is the significance of the poem?Point out some of the features and innovations that you particularly appreciate in it.Who was T.S.Eliot probably influenced by in creating the poem?
Ⅴ.Identify each of the following passages by giving the title of the work and the full name of the author,and explain the implications of the underlined parts of the passage.(30 points)
1.But most thro’midnight streets I hear
How the youthful Harlot’s curse
Blasts the new born infant’s tear,
And blights with plagues the Marriage hearse.
2.Snake:They were,madam;and,as I copied them myself in a feigned hand,there can be no suspicion whence they came.
Lady Sneer:Did you circulate the report of Lady Britle’s intrigue with Captain Boastall?
Snake:That’s in as fine a train as your ladyship could wish.In the common course of things,I think it must reach Mrs.Clackitt’s ears within four-and-twenty hours;and then,you know,the business is as good as done.
3.It is in the nature of a Forsyte to be ignorant that he is a Forsyte;but young Jolyon was well aware of being one.He had not known it till after the decisive step which had made him an outcast;since then the knowledge had been with him continually.He felt it throughout his alliance,throughout all his dealings,with his second wife,who was emphatically not a Forsyte.
4.Boys have generally excellent appetites.He and his companions suffered the tortures of slow starvation for three months:at last they got so voracious and wild with hunger,that one boy,who was tall for his age,and hadn’t been used to that sort of thing(for his father had kept a small cook-shop),hinted darkly to his companions,that unless he had another basin of gruel per diem,he was afraid he might some night happen to eat the boy who slept next him,who happened to be a weakly youth of tender age.
5.Isabel always felt an impulse to pull out the pins;not that she imagined they inflicted any damage on the tough old parchment,but because it seemed to her her aunt might make better use of her sharpness.She was very critical herself—it was incidental to her sex,and her nationality;but she was very sentimental as well,and there was something in Mrs.Touchett’s dryness that set her own moral fountains flowing.
6.It was the private property of three confederate white seamen of that ship,one of whom,it seems,communicated it to Tashtego with Romish injunctions of secrecy,but the following night Tashtego rambled in his sleep,and revealed so much of it in that way,that when he was wakened he could not well withhold the rest.Nevertheless,so potent an influence did this thing have on those seamen in the Pequod who came to the full knowledge of it,and by such a strange delicacy,to call it so,were they governed in this matter,that they kept the secret among themselves so that it never transpired abaft the Pequod’s mainmast.
Ⅰ.Fill in the following blanks.(22 points)
1.【答案】The Cantos
【注解】艾兹拉·庞德(Ezra Pound)的《诗章》(The Cantos)采用各种复杂的联想,包括学究的训导、人类学、现代历史和个人历史、戏谑和包括汉语表意文字在内的各种语言间晦涩的文学性插入,评论者为此进行了大量批注。
【注解】维吉尼亚·沃尔夫(Virginia Woolf)的《达洛威夫人》(Mrs.Dalloway)确立了其在英国文学史中的地位。
3.【答案】Widower’s Houses written by George Bernard Shaw
【注解】乔治·萧伯纳(George Bernard Shaw)的第一部剧作是揭露和批判资产阶级如何靠经营贫民窟房产重利盘剥的《鳏夫的房产》(Widower’s Houses)。
4.【答案】Sigmund Freud
【注解】美国20世纪50年代的作家写作采用了弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)及其追随者作品中的心理分析法。弗洛伊德的精神分析理论对美国作家的影响可以从美国作家舍伍德·安德森(Sherwood Anderson)的作品《小镇畸人》(Winesburg Ohio)中感受到。后者是美国文学史上第一位使用弗洛伊德的精神分析理论来分析作品中人物内心世界的作家。
5.【答案】Sons and Lovers
【注解】D.H.劳伦斯(D.H.Lawrence)的小说《儿子和情人》(Sons and Lovers)是表现俄狄浦斯情节的代表作品。
【拓展】Oedipus Complex is a term coined by Sigmund Freud to designate a son’s subconscious feeling of love toward his mother and jealousy and hatred of his father.D.H.Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers is a case in point.
6.【答案】Eugene O’Neill
【注解】尤金·奥尼尔(Eugene O’Neill)是20世纪20年代美国最伟大的剧作家。
【拓展】Eugene O’Neill is regarded as America’s greatest playwright and he is the only dramatist in American literary history so far to win a Nobel Prize in 1936 for“the power,honesty and deep-felt emotions of his dramatic works,which embody an original concept of tragedy.”
7.【答案】Murder in the Cathedral
【注解】《大教堂谋杀案》(Murder in the Cathedral)是T.S.艾略特(T.S.Eliot)第一部也是最优秀的一部诗剧,讲述的是12世纪坎特伯雷大主教托马斯·贝克特遭暗杀一事。
8.【答案】William Faulkner
【注解】美国南方作家威廉·福克纳(William Faulkner)以描写南方的衰退及其对人们的影响见长。
9.【答案】Wallace Stevens
【注解】华莱士·史蒂文斯(Wallace Stevens)是一个成功的商人,也是一位著名的诗人。
【拓展】Wallace Stevens’poetry aims at bridging the gap between imagination and reality,exploring the relationship of chaos and order and the reconciliation of reality and imagination.
10.【答案】For Whom the Bell Tolls
【注解】《丧钟为谁而鸣》(For Whom the Bell Tolls)是一部以西班牙内战为背景的小说,全书篇幅较大,但情节却只发生在三天之内。小说再一次阐明了海明威对于爱情的得失观并描绘了普通民众不屈不挠的精神。
11.【答案】Critical Realism
【拓展】Critical Realism refers to the tendency of writers and intellectuals to apply the methods of realistic fiction to the criticism of society and the examination of social issues.
13.【答案】David Copperfield
【注解】Mr.Peggotty和Steerforth是小说《大卫·科波菲尔》(David Copperfield)中的人物。
14.【答案】Prometheus Unbound
【注解】《解放了的普罗米修斯》(Prometheus Unbound)是波西·比希·雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley)的代表作品,故事源于希腊神话。
【拓展】Prometheus Unbound is Shelley’s greatest poetic drama which celebrates man’s victory over tyranny and oppression.
15.【答案】Tess of the D’Urbervilles
【注解】《德伯家的苔丝》(Tess of the D’Urbervilles)和《无名的裘德》(Jude the Obscure)是托马斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy)的代表作品。
16.【答案】Sherwood Anderson
【注解】舍伍德·安德森(Sherwood Anderson)擅长刻画人物心理。
【注解】《贵妇人画像》(The Portrait of a Lady)是亨利·詹姆斯(Henry James)的作品,其中女主人公的名字是伊莎贝尔(Isabel)。
【拓展】The Portrait of a Lady treats the conflict between the Old World and the New World in the life journey of an American girl in the European cultural environment.
18.【答案】The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
【注解】马克·吐温(Mark Twain)的《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》(The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)被誉为是美国文学史乃至西方文学史中最重要的作品之一。
19.【答案】Sister Carrie
【注解】西奥多·德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser)的作品《嘉莉妹妹》(Sister Carrie)在1900年出版时并不被评论家看好,1907年这本书再次出版,迅速获得成功,被看做是作家的代表作品之一。
【拓展】The sentence“only the fittest can survive in a competitive,amoral society”may be regarded as an appropriate summary of Sister Carrie.
20.【答案】Martin Eden
【注解】《马丁·伊登》(Martin Eden)是杰克·伦敦(Jack London)的自传性作品。
【拓展】The way Martin Eden ends his life shows the disillusionment of the American Dream.
21.【答案】Nathaniel Hawthorne
【注解】纳撒尼尔·霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)的《红字》(The Scarlet Letter)是美国浪漫主义与美国清教主义思想完美结合的产物。
22.【答案】Don Juan
【注解】乔治·戈登·拜伦(George Gordon Byron)主要以其长诗《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》(Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage)以及《唐璜》(Don Juan)著称于世。
【拓展】One of George Gordon Byron’s chief contribution is his creation of the“Byronic hero”,a proud,mysterious rebel figure of noble origin.
Ⅱ.Define,in complete sentences,the following terms and phrases.(18 points)
1.heroic couplet
The heroic couplet refers to a traditional form of poems constructed from a sequence of rhyming pairs of iambic pentameter lines.
A villanelle is a French form which consists of 19 lines in five tercets(三行押韵诗节)followed by a quatrain(四行诗节)with the rhyme scheme aba aba aba aba aba abaa.Dylan Thomas’“Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night”is a case in point.
3.the Muses
According to Greek mythology,the Muses refer to the nine goddesses who are respectively responsible for a division of the arts and science.It is a traditional fashion for poets to invoke one or more of these muses for inspiration.For example,John Milton invokes Urania(主管天文的女神)in creating his epic Paradise Lost.
A tercet refers to a poem consisting of three-line stanzas.Shelley’s“Ode to the West Wind”is a case in point.
5.Renaissance literature
The word“Renaissance”means“rebirth.”It meant the reintroduction into Western Europe of the full cultural heritage of Greece and Rome.The essence of the Renaissance is Humanism.Renaissance literature highlights the dignity and value of man and present life.The Elizabethan drama is typical of Renaissance literature and William Shakespeare’s plays embody the spirit of Renaissance literature in almost every way.
6.“Trilogy of Desire”
It refers to Theodore Dreiser’s three novels:The Financier,The Titan and The Stoic.The trilogy is based on the life of Charles T.Yerkes,an American transportation magnate.In his trilogy Dreiser’s focus shifted from the pathos of the helpless protagonists at the bottom of the society to the power of the American financial tycoons in the late 19th century.
Ⅲ.Give a brief answer to each of the questions below.(40 points)
Keys for Reference
Paradise Lost consists of 12 books.The four main characters are God,Satan,Adam and Eve.The original story is taken from the Bible.It tells of the story of Adam and Eve’s disobedience and the loss of paradise because of Satan.In order to take revenge for his defeat by God,Satan tempts Adam and Eve,the first human beings created by God,to eat fruit from the“Tree of Knowledge”against God’s instructions.Because of their disobedience,Adam and Eve are driven out of Paradise with the hope for redemption.Adam and Eve are husband and wife.Satan is God’s opponent.In Heaven he and other angels rebel against God.
Keys for Reference
(1)Poetic language should be the language used in daily life.
(2)The theme of the poetry should reflect the incidents and situations selected from common life,usually“low and rustic life.”
(3)Regarding the treatment of the theme,ordinary things should be presented in an unusual way to throw over them a certain coloring of imagination.
(4)The poet’s mission is to explore human nature in the chosen incidents and situations.
Keys for Reference
Oscar Wilde lived in the late 19th century when the concept of Victorian literature prevailed:artistic creations should be didactic,that is to say,literature should serve some religious,social,political and moral purposes.In order to break such suffocating tradition,such writers as Oscar Wilde proposed some conflicting ideas concerning the purposes of artistic creations.He holds that art has nothing to do with religion,politics,economy and morality.He advocates that art does not reflect life but life imitates art and the function of art is to attract,to please and to provide enjoyment.Actually,this theory was first advocated by Walter Pater,but it was Wilde who elaborated it as“art for art’s sake.”In his opinion,art should not serve politics,economics or morals.Art exists for its own sake.Wilde considers that art exists independently of life and reality,and the sole purpose of artists is to pursue aesthetic beauty of art.
Keys for Reference
Hawthorne’s masterpiece The Scarlet Letter is the most convincing proof that he is a master of symbolism.In the novel,the most obvious symbol,the scarlet letter A takes on different layers of symbolic meaning as the plot develops.At the beginning of the novel,it is a token of shame,which means“Adultery,”then it has been transformed into“Able,”“Admiration,”and eventually it signifies“Angel”and“Art.”People may come up with different interpretations of the symbolic meaning of the letter A,but there is no definite standard to judge which one is right or which is wrong.The scarlet letter A is ambiguous and the ambiguity is one of the prominent characteristics of Hawthorne’s art.
本题考查20世纪美国著名作家菲茨杰拉德的代表作《了不起的盖茨比》中盖茨比的“伟大”之处。作品描述了出身贫寒的盖茨比历尽艰辛、不择手段地攫取财富,最终从一个穷光蛋变成人们心中“了不起”的富豪,却仍苦苦追求初恋时由于贫穷而失去的情人的故事。它再现了美国20世纪爵士乐时代(Jazz Age)的社会,揭示了“美国梦”在战后的破灭。盖茨比的伟大之处正在于他对“美国梦”的不懈追求,以及他认为世界上最重要的是爱的浪漫主义思想。
Keys for Reference
As a literary mirror of the Jazz Age,The Great Gatsby evokes a haunting mood of a glamorous,wild time that seemingly will never come again.As the very embodiment of the Jazz Age,Gatsby’s struggle for his ideal love proves a process of pursuing the American Dream.Much as Gatsby’s“success”is largely based on illegal transactions,his“greatness”does convey the essence of pursuing one’s dream.Gatsby is,in a sense,great,because he is a person who dedicates himself single-mindedly to the pursuit of the American Dream,a romantic who regards love as the most important thing in life.He is a mythical figure whose intensity of dream partakes of a state of mind that embodies America itself.He is the last of the romantic heroes,whose energy and sense of commitment take him in search of his personal grail.Gatsby’s failure is paradoxical for it is in his failure that lies his greatness.
Ⅳ.Answer the following questions according to your understanding of English and American literary history and criticism.(40 points)
Keys for Reference
(1)Defoe’s masterpiece Robinson Crusoe became an immediate success shortly after it was published in 1719.The novel is based on the real adventures of a Scottish sailor,Alexander Selkirk,who had stayed alone on the desolate island for four years.The novel expresses a yearning for a more economic and basic life style.As we know,the modern English novel begins in the 18th century.It is in this very period that Defoe creates the character,Robinson Crusoe,who is a representative of the English bourgeoisie at the earlier stages of its development.In addition,Defoe glorifies human labor and the Puritan fortitude and the book depicts life realistically with an uncompromising courage.At that time,“the novelist’s job was to tell the truth about life as he saw it”,and Robinson Crusoe just exemplifies that idea.It is based on a real story.That’s why Defoe deserves the credit for the discovery of the modern novel.
(2)Examined from a modern critic’s point of view,the story can be interpreted as an artistic projection of colonial expansion.Crusoe conquers the island and the less civilized man Friday,who remains a servant since the first day they met,though they become good friends.The first word Crusoe teaches Friday is“master”.In this sense,Crusoe is an image of empire builder,and this image reveals Defoe’s recognition of the colonialism and slavery.Besides,Defoe’s bias against the conquered people is fully exposed as well.
Keys for Reference
(1)The subject of Eliot’s poetry is to show man’s disillusionment and frustration caught between his sense of meaning and his sense of meaninglessness,to reveal the breakdown of communication between human beings,to expose the sterility and futility of the Western culture,and to quest for a spiritual regeneration by finding salvation in religion.
(2)In order to produce striking effect,Eliot employs many devices,among which is the frequent use of allusions.In order to reach his belief that the writers’purpose is to write beyond their own social background and reflect the consciousness of all ages,he combined literary allusion,myth and religious symbolism.Eliot regards myth as an effective means of reaching beneath the level of present and conscious experience.In addition,he chooses the device of juxtaposition of images and time and space.
(3)As Eliot’s most important single poem and his masterpiece,The Waste Land has been regarded as a landmark and a model of the 20th century English poetry and the most representative work in symbolist literature,the influence of which is comparable to Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads.The artistic creation of this poem enriches the devices of the poem and has great impact on the schools of modernism.
(4)Ezra Pound,the master of imagism,has exerted great influence on Eliot’s creation of this poem.
Ⅴ.Identify each of the following passages by giving the title of the work and the full name of the author,and explain the implications of the underlined parts of the passage.(30 points)
1.(1)The passage is from William Blake’s“London”.
(2)most thro’midnight streets:in midnight in the street
Blasts the new-born infant’s tear:the calamity is brought upon the tearful new-born baby
the marriage hearse:it is used here satirically to compare the wedding to a funeral
Implications:These imply the economic exploitation and miserable life of the women and children in the capitalist society.
2.(1)The passage is from Richard Bringsley Sheridan’s The School for Scandal.
(2)in a feigned hand:in a disguised handwriting.
Lady Britle’s intrigue with Captain Boastall:Lady Britle’s love affair or scandal with Captain Boastall
the business is as good as done:the business is the same as done,practically accomplished.
Implications:These imply that the 18th century England(London)is false,hypocritical and morally degenerated.In the play,the principals of the school,Snake and Lady Sneer,like collecting gossips about their neighbors and others in London society.
3.(1)The passage is from John Galsworthy’s The Forsyte Saga.
(2)the nature of a Forste:instinct
an outcast:a person who is not accepted by other people and who sometimes has to leave their home and friends
throughout all his dealings,with his second wife:he felt that he was abandoned in his daily life and through his communication with the others,with his second wife.
Implications:These imply that Jolyon gives much emphasis on the identity of being a Forsyte.
4.(1)The passage is from Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist.
(2)voracious:wanting a large amount of eating
that sort of thing:the torture of boys
per diem:per day
Implications:These imply that the boys in the workhouse are ill-treated every day.
5.(1)The passage is from Henry James’The Portrait of a Lady.
(2)parchment:material made from the skin of a sheep or goat,used in the past for writing
it was incidental to her sex,and her nationality:it was vulnerable to her sex,and her American nationality
Implications:The word“parchment”implies“old-fashionedness.”The phrase“incidental to her sex,and her nationality”implies that Isabel,the young and rich woman is very sensitive and critical to herself.
6.(1)The passage is from Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick.
(2)Romish injunctions:the official order given by Romish church which demands that something must or must not be done.
came to the full knowledge of it:understanding something fully
never transpired abaft the Pequod’s mainmast:the secret was never revealed aboard the Pequod
Implications:These convey a sense of secret and mystery concerning the ship Pequod and Captain Ahab.