Section 10 询问面试结果
123. 我能问一下什么时候出结果吗?
May I ask when the decision will be made?
A: May I ask when the decision will be made? 我能问一下什么时候出结果吗?
B: It will be sent to you by email three days later. 3天后会以邮件的形式发送给你。
● 3天后我们会给你打电话告诉你面试的结果。We will call you three days later to tell you the interview result.
● 只要我们决定了就会通知你是否能来上班。We will tell you if you can come to work as soon as we made the decision.
124. 我什么时候会知道结果呢?
When will I be informed of your decision?
inform 通知
● 我多久可以知道结果呢?How soon could I know the result?
● 我能知道什么时候出结果吗?
Is it possible for me to know when the decision will be made?
● 我什么时候能从您这里得到消息?When do you think I can hear from you?
125. 我什么时候可以知道我是否被录用?
When can I know whether I’m accepted or not?
A: When can I know whether I’m accepted or not? 我什么时候可以知道我是否被录用?
B: I’m impressed with your answers in this interview. And I’ll talk it over with my colleagues and get back to you in a week. 这次面试中你的回答给我留下了深刻的印象。我会和同事们商量后在1周内给你答复。
accept 接受
impress sb. with sth. ……给某人留下深刻印象
● 您什么时候可以给我最后的决定?When can you give me your final decision?
● 需要多长时间才能做出录用决定呢?How long will it take to make a hiring decision?
126. 我打电话是想问一下贵公司是否已经做出了决定。
I give you a call because I want to ask whether your company has made a decision yet.
give sb. a call 给……打电话
● I’m calling to ask whether your company has made a decision or not?
A: I give you a call because I want to ask whether your company has made a decision yet. 我打电话是想问一下贵公司是否已经做出了决定。
B: The decision has been made three days ago and we sent it to your email, haven’t you got it? 我们3天前已经做出决定并且发送邮件给你了,你没收到吗?
127. 我只是想问问我是否被聘用。
I just want to inquire whether I am recruited.
inquire 询问
recruit 招聘
A: May I help you? 有什么需要帮助的吗?
B: I just want to inquire whether I am recruited. 我只是想问问我是否被聘用。
128. 您对我今天的表现有何评价吗?
Do you have any comments on my performance today?
comment 评价
performance 表现
● 您对我的印象如何?What’s your impression of me?
129. 您对我在面试中的表现还满意吗?
Are you satisfied with my performance in the interview?
be satisfied with 对……满意
A: Are you satisfied with my performance in the interview? 您对我在面试中的表现还满意吗?
B: Yes, you’re the only one who meets my requirements. 是的,满意,你是唯一符合我的要求的人。
130. 您认为我胜任这个职位吗?
Do you think I’m qualified for the position?
A: Do you think I’m qualified for the position? 您认为我胜任这个职位吗?
B: You are very excellent, but I can’t tell you if you are the most qualified until the interview process is complete. 你非常优秀,但是面试完全结束后,我才能告诉你你是否是最适合的。
qualified 合格的
excellent 优秀
process 进程complete 结束
131. 如果您做出了决定,请随时联系我。
Please feel free to call me if you have the decision.
feel free to do sth. 随意做某事
A: Please feel free to call me if you have the decision. 如果您做了决定,请随时联系我。
B: Sure, if you have any other questions during the waiting, please let us know. 好的,如果您在等待结果期间有其他问题,请告知我们。
132. 我会耐心等待你的决定。
I’m willing to wait until you have come to a decision.
● 我会等着您的通知的。感谢您面试我。
I’ll await your notification. Thank you for your interview with me.
● 谢谢您,先生。我希望能尽快收到您的通知。
Thank you, sir. I hope to hear from you as soon as possible.
The end of the interview.
The interviewer: What would you do if you were arranged in a position that you don’t like at all?
Amy: Well, there might be the possibility. I’m willing to accept the job if it is suitable.
The interviewer: Do you have any questions you want to ask?
Amy: Yes, may I ask what expenses I can get?
The interviewer: You can have your fares and accommodations paid, plus a small daily allowance. Any other questions?
Amy: Do I need the second interview?
The interviewer: Up to now, I have to say that you are the one that we need. But, still, we will have a test of both your language skills and work effciency. Other applicants have taken it, and you can’t be an exception.
Amy: I’m OK with that. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. When will I know your decision about my second interview?
The interviewer: We’ll give you our decision in a few days. How can we get in touch with you?
Amy: I can be reached at my office during work hours and at home in the evening. My office phone number and home phone number are in my resume.
The interviewer: Thank you for your interest in our company.
Amy: Thank you, sir. I expect to hear from you as soon as possible.
The interviewer: Would you please let the next applicant come in on your way out?
Amy: All right. Goodbye.
1. Up to now, I have to say that you are the one that we need.
up to now表示“直到目前为止”,口语中还常说What are you up to now? 表示“你正在做什么?”比如你发现在未经你允许的情况下,同事正在你的办公桌上乱翻,就可以过去责问他What are you up to?(你在搞什鬼?)此外,想询问同事项目进展如何时也可以说:What are you up to?(目前进展如何?)
2. How can we get in touch with you?
get in touch with是“与……取得联系”的意思,强调动作。keep in touch with是“保持联系”,与be in touch with 相似,强调的是状态。如跟朋友道别时,就可以说:Keep in touch!(保持联系!)