高频场景1 Accommodation
Part 1 我要租房——高频词汇串串记
到国外上学或者生活,首先需要考虑的事情就是 。那么对于留学生来说,住宿主要有三种形式:
第二种形式,住学校的宿舍也是个不错的选择。国外的宿舍楼一般是 。你可以选择自己住,即住
( )或
同住一个房间,例如有两人间( ),即有两张单人床的房间,或三人间( )。
accommodation/ə´kɒmə´deɪʃ(ə)n/ n.住宿
homestay=host family n.寄宿家庭
dormitory/´dɔ:mətrɪ/ n.宿舍
hall of residence/´rezɪd(ə)ns/ 宿舍
apartment/ə´pɑ:tm(ə)nt/ n.公寓(美式)
flat/fæt/ n.公寓(英式)
studio/´stju:dɪəʊ/flat/apartment 卧室兼起居室
bedsit/bed´sɪt/ n.卧室兼起居室
single room 单间
double room 有一张双人床的房间
roommate/´ru:mmeɪt/ n.室友
twin room 有两张单人床的房间
triple/´trɪp(ə)l/room 三人间
● :
或者女房东( )并询问:●
。●房屋类型:排房( )或者
advertisement/əd´vɜ:tɪzm(ə)nt;-tɪs-/ n.广告
forrent/lease/li:s/ 出租
landlord/´læn(d)lɔ:d/ n.男房东
landlady/´læn(d)leɪdɪ/ n.女房东
location/lə(ʊ)´keɪʃ(ə)n/ n.地点;位置
urban/´ɜ:b(ə)n/ adj.城市的
rural/´rʊər(ə)l/ adj.农村的,乡村的
downtown/´daʊntaʊn/ adj.市区的adv.在市区
uptown/´ʌptaʊn/ adj.市郊住宅区的或富人的adv.在市郊
suburb/´sʌbɜ:b/ n.郊区
outskirts/´aʊtskɜ:ts/ n.郊区
town house 排房
terrace/´terəs/house 排房
high-riseflat 高层公寓
decorate/´dekəreɪt/ v.装饰;布置
decoration/´dekə´reɪʃ(ə)n/ n.装修
●房屋布局( ): 、
、洗衣间( )、书房( )、
、地下室( )、
layout/´leɪaʊt/ n.布局
bedroom/´bedru:m;-rʊm/ n.卧室
living/´lɪvɪŋ/room 起居室
dining/daɪnɪŋ/room 饭厅
bathroom/´bɑ:θru:m;-rʊm/ n.浴室
laundry/´lɔ:ndrɪ/room n.洗衣室
study/´stʌdɪ/ n.书房
balcony/´bælkənɪ/ n.阳台
terrace/´terəs/ n.阳台
basement/´beɪsm(ə)nt/ n.地下室
warehouse/´weəhaʊs/ n.仓库
storehouse/´stɔ:haʊs/ n.仓库
garage/´gærɑ:(d)ʒ/ n.车库
● :衣柜( )、
、壁橱( )、
、书架( )、沙发( )等。
●配套设施( ): 、吸尘器( )、空调( )、风扇( )、加热器
、电暖炉( )、
、微波炉( )、吐司面包机( )、炊具( )、煤气灶( )、洗碗机( )、立体声音响( )等。
furniture/´fɜ:nɪtʃə/ n.家具
wardrobe/´wɔ:drəʊb/ n.衣柜
clothes cabinet/´kæbɪnət/ 衣柜
cabinet/´kæbɪnət/ n.陈列柜
closet/´klɒzɪt/ n.壁橱
cupboard/´kʌbəd/ n.橱柜
bookshelf/´bʊkʃelf/ n.书架
bookcase/´bʊkkeɪs/ n.书柜
sofa/´səʊfə/ n.沙发
couch/kaʊtʃ/ n.沙发
facility/fə´sɪlətɪ/ n.设施
washing machine 洗衣机
vacuum/´vækjʊəm/cleaner 吸尘器
hoover/´hu:və/ n.吸尘器
air conditioner/kən´dɪʃ(ə)nə/ 空调
electric/ɪ´lektrɪk/fan/fæn/ 电风扇
heater/´hi:tə/ n.加热器
radiator/´reɪdɪeɪtə/ n.散热器
fridge/frɪdʒ/ n.冰箱
refrigerator/rɪ´frɪdʒəreɪtə/ n.冰箱
cool box 冷冻箱
microwave/´maɪkrə(ʊ)weɪv/oven/´ʌv(ə)n/ 微波炉
toaster/´təʊstə(r)/ n.吐司面包机
cooker/´kʊkə/ n.炊具
gas/gæs/cooker 煤气灶
dishwasher/´dɪʃwɒʃə(r)/ n.洗碗机
stereo/´sterɪəʊ;´stɪərɪəʊ/system/´sɪstəm/ 立体声音响
如果这些都满意了,就要和房东谈谈 了,需要和房东确认租金是否包含( )电费( )、煤气费( )、水费( )、电话费( )等。如果价格也合理( ),就可以和房东签合同( )、交押
rent/rent/ n.租金
include/ɪn´klu:d/ v.包含
cover/´kʌvə/ v.包含
electric/ɪ´lektrɪk/bill/bɪl/ 电费
gas/gæs/bill 燃气费
water/´wɔ:tə/bill 水费
phone/fəʊn/bill 电话费
reasonable/´ri:z(ə)nəb(ə)l/ adj.合理的
sign/saɪn/ v.签
contract/´kɒntrækt/ n.合同
deposit/dɪ´pɒzɪt/ n.押金;定金
搬进去之后,大家可能还需要买一些家居用品,首先就是床垫 ,然后是床单枕套等床上用品( ):床单( )、枕套( )、窗帘( )、坐垫/靠垫( )、毯子( )、地毯( )、小地毯( )、
、垃圾桶( )等。
mattress/´mætrɪs/ n.床垫
sheet/ʃi:t/ n.床单
pillowcase/´pɪləʊkeɪs/ n.枕套
bed linen/´lɪnɪn/ 床单和枕套等床上用品
curtain/´kɜ:t(ə)n/ n.窗帘;幕布
cushion/´kʊʃ(ə)n/ n.坐垫;靠垫
blanket/´blæŋkɪt/ n.毯子
carpet/´kɑ:pɪt/ n.地毯
rug/rʌg/ n.小地毯
mop/mɒp/ n.拖把
broom/bru:m/ n.扫把
dustbin/´dʌs(t)bɪn/ n.垃圾桶
trashcan/´træʃkæn/ n.垃圾桶
bucket/´bʌkɪt/ n.桶
Part 2 学术范儿——真题中会这样考
1 真题链接 Where is the nearest accommodation?
真题释义 最近的住宿地在哪里? (剑8,Test1,S1)
2 真题链接 I’ve heard that you want to move into a homestay family.Is that correct?
真题释义 我听说你想搬去寄宿家庭。是这样的吗? (剑4,Test1,S1)
3 真题链接 I’ve just been accepted on a course at the university and I’d like to try and arrange accommodation in the hall of residence.
真题释义 我刚被大学录取,我想住在学校宿舍里。 (剑9,Test2,S1)
4 真题链接 Each person has to pay that amount and there must be at least two in an apartment.
真题释义 每个人都要支付那么多,而且每间公寓要至少入住两个人。 (剑9,Test3,S1)
5 真题链接 Well,we’ve got a lovely studio flat available at that time.
真题释义 到时候,我们会有一个非常不错的卧室兼起居室出租。 (剑9,Test3,S1)
6 真题链接 The other alternative is to opt for a single bedsit which actually has more space and better facilities.
真题释义 另外一种选择是住空间更大、设施更好的卧室兼起居室。 (剑9,Test2,S1)
真题链接 Unlike almost all travel operators who happily charge large supplements for single rooms,we guarantee that no single client will pay more,even when only double rooms are available for them.
真题释义 几乎所有其他旅行社都会为单间收取大量额外费用,而我们保证不会向任何一个客户收取额外费用,即使在入住的时候只有双人房。(剑4,Test4,S2)
8 真题链接 Oh,good morning.I’m ringing about your advertisement in the Evening Gazette.
真题释义 早上好,我打电话是想询问一下您在晚报上登的广告。 (剑8,Test4,S1)
9 真题链接 It was the availability,rather than the condition,of the housing that was the major concern for tenants and landlords alike.
真题释义 对于租客和房东来说,他们最关心的是房屋的入住时间,而不是房屋的状况。 (剑6,Test1,S4)
10 真题链接 Now my first question is about the choice of location for the centre.Why Christchurch?Was it because of the climate?
真题释义 现在,我要问的第一个问题是关于中心的选址问题。为什么是基督城,因为气候吗? (剑7,Test2,S3)
11 真题链接 But at the same time they wanted to live somewhere peaceful—they’d both grown up in a rural area and disliked urban life.
真题释义 但是与此同时,他们想住在一个安静的地方。他们都在乡下长大,不喜欢城市生活。 (剑9,Test3,S4)
12 真题链接 They investigated chic so-called boutique hotels in the heart of downtown business districts, stately mansions located in the depths of beautiful countryside.
真题释义 他们调查了市区商业区中心的所谓精品酒店,还有位于乡村的富丽堂皇的府邸。 (剑7,Test3,S4)
13 真题链接 He will be telling us about the plan to improve the fast-growing suburb of Red Hill.
真题释义 他会和我们讲一下促进红山区的快速发展的计划。 (剑8,Test4,S2)
14 真题链接 We presented the three options that you have proposed.One:in the city centre,near the Faculty of Education;two:on the outskirts of the city,near the park,and three:out of town,near the halls of residence.
真题释义 我们展示了您建议的三个选择。一是市中心,教育部附近;二是市郊,公园附近;三是乡下,宿舍区附近。 (剑4,Test3,S4)
15 真题链接 But this one hasn’t been decorated for a few years,which has kept the rent down a bit. (剑8,Test3,S1)
真题释义 但是这个房子已经很久没有装修过了,因此租金也下调了一点。
16 真题链接 I put it in the top drawer of the chest under the TV in your bedroom.
真题释义 我把它放在你的卧室了,在电视下面五斗橱的最上面的抽屉里。 (剑9,Test4,S2)
17 真题链接 Combined living room and dining room,with a separate kitche n.It doesn’t have a garage,though you can park on the road.
真题释义 起居室和饭厅是一起的,有一个独立厨房。没有车库,但可以停在路上。 (剑8,Test3,S1)
18 真题链接 It’s an older style house with Greek paintings in every room,and a balcony outside.
真题释义 这是一个老式风格的房子,每个房间都放有希腊画作,外面还有个阳台。(剑9,Test3,S1)
19 真题链接 Creating the park required the demolition of lots of derelict buildings on the site,so most of the exciting park space all around you was originally warehouses and storehouses.
真题释义 建造这个公园要求拆毁很多遗弃的建筑。所以你们周围的大多数令人激动的地方原来都是仓库。 (剑7,Test4,S2)
20 真题链接 The owners haven’t bought a single item of new furniture.
真题释义 房主没有买一件新家具。 (剑8,Test1,S1)
21 真题链接 The cabinet from the bathroom was damaged as well.It’s a lovely cabinet,we use it to keep our towels i n.
真题释义 浴室的陈列柜也损坏了。这个陈列柜本来很好的,我们用它放毛巾。 (剑9,Test3,S4)
22 真题链接 Don’t worry.In the upstairs cupboard,you’ll find the water heater.
真题释义 不用担心,热水器在楼上的橱柜里。 (剑9,Test4,S2)
23 真题链接 If you have any trouble with the lamps,you’ll find some spare bulbs in a large cardboard box.It’s on top of the washing machine with all kinds of useful things in it.
真题释义 如果灯有什么问题,你可以找到几个备用的灯泡。它们在洗衣机上面的一个大纸箱里,里面有各种各样有用的东西。 (剑9,Test4,S2)
24 真题链接 If there isn’t enough water in the pipes,sometimes the heater goes out.If this happens you’ll need to press this button to reset the heater.
真题释义 如果管道里的水不够,有时候加热器就会停了。要是这样的话,你需要按下按钮,重置一下加热器。 (剑9,Test4,S2)
25 真题链接 All tents have a fridge,and if you want to spend the day on the beach,for example,ask for a specially designed cool box,which will keep your food and drinks chilled.
真题释义 所有的帐篷里都有冰箱。如果你想在海滩待上一天,你可以申请一个专门设计的冷冻箱,冰镇你的食物和饮品。 (剑7,Test1,S2)
26 真题链接 There are excellent washing facilities at all our sites,with washing machines and clothes lines in the central areas,along with mops,buckets and dustbins in case your tent needs cleaning during your stay.
真题释义 我们的所有场所都有非常好的清洁设施,中央区域有洗衣机和晾衣绳,还有拖把、桶和垃圾桶,以备你想打扫帐篷的时候用。 (剑7,Test1,S2)
27 真题链接 I have to tell you there’s also a deposit of$250, which is returnable of course as there’s no damage.
真题释义 我必须要说明一下,这里有250美元的押金,当然,只要没有损坏,这个押金是可退的。 (剑11,Test1,S1)
在听力考试过程中,我们要听4段语音材料,每段语音材料后面有10个题目。第一段语音材料是一个两人之间的对话;第二段语音材料是一个独白。而这两部分的内容一般与社会需求相关。第三段语音材料又是一个对话,但是个多人对话,最多会有4个人;第四段语音材料依然是一个独白。最后这两部分的内容一般和教育、培训等相关。所有的语音材料中会以英音为主,其次是美音和澳大利亚音,还会有其他音如印度音等。所以习惯听“饱满的”美音的同学需要注意啦,要多听一些“语调起伏的”英音材料,让自己尽快进入“雅思听力”状态。当然,也可以关注一下“随意的”澳大利亚音和“神奇的”印度音。(小伙伴们可以听一下剑9听力Test 1,Section 3,那里有纯正的印度音!)
Part 3 看张图——你学会了吗
Part 4 词义练习——反复练习才有效
(1)I’ve just been accepted on a course at the university and I’d like to try and arrange ____in the.
(2)Well,we’ve got a lovely____available at that time.
(3)But at the same time they wanted to live somewhere peaceful—they’d both grown up in a____area and disliked____life.
(4)But this one hasn’t been____for a few years,which has kept the ____down a bit.
(5)The other alternative is to opt for a single____which actually has more space and better.
(6)Oh,good morning.I’m ringing about your____in the Evening Gazette.
(7)Now my frst question is about the choice of____for the centre.Why Christchurch?Was it because of the?
(8)I put it in the top____of the____under the TV in your bedroom.
(9)Combined____and,with a separate.It doesn’t have a,though you can park on the road.
(10)It’s an older style house with Greek paintings in every room,and a____outside.
(11)The owners haven’t bought a single item of new.
(12)Don’t worry.In the upstairs,you’ll fnd the.
(13)All tents have a,and if you want to spend the day on the beach,for example,ask for a specially designed,which will keep your food and____chilled.
(14)There are excellent____at all our sites,with washing machines and clothes lines in the central areas,along with,and ____in case your tent needs cleaning during your stay.
(15)I have to tell you there’s also a____of,which is returnable of course as there’s no.