Annual Report on Economic Development of Shanghai(2019)consists of a total of 13 reports from four parts that are the general report, the supply-side reform, the construction system of the Free Trade Area, and Shanghai city innovation. Based on the theme of promoting supply-side structural reform, this paper probes into the relationship between supply-side reform and Shanghai's comprehensive deepening reform from the different dimensions such as research on the healthy development of real estate industry, the structural reform of promoting agricultural supply-side, the practical innovation of promoting supply-side structural reform, and the structural reform of promoting tax and fee supply-side in Shanghai. Focusing on the perspective of Shanghai's urban innovation, the paper discusses the current situation of building an excellence global city, the development of high-end manufacturing under the new era, and the practical exploration of reducing institutional transaction costs in Shanghai.
Based on the perspective of high quality development, the final record uses the three quarter's macroeconomic data and historical data of Shanghai in 2018 to analyze the economic operation situation of Shanghai in the present and past periods. The research shows that the economic structure of Shanghai tends to be a high-level, the economic efficiency increases steadily, and the contribution of consumption to economic growth is greater; the probability of GDP growth below last year in 2018 is greater; the probability of the baseline scenario in 2019 was 65.5%,of which its economic growth rate remained at the level of 6.5%. Aiming at present and some time to come, Shanghai is facing with internal and external environmental problems, in the short term, Shanghai's economic development depends on promoting domestic demand, in the long run, Shanghai should attach importance to technological innovation and institutional innovation, consolidate the real economy, further create a good business environment, and build a new high ground for an open economy, so as to promote the high-quality development of Shanghai's economy.
The supply-side reform consists of four articles: the first is“Taking Supply-side Structural Reform as the Handholds, Constructing the Long-term Mechanism of Healthy Development of Shanghai Real Estate Industry”. The second is“the Study on Promoting the Structural Reform of Agricultural Supply-side in Shanghai”. The third is“Shanghai's Practical Innovation Research on Promoting Supply-side Structural Reform”. The fourth is“Shanghai is Pushing the Research of Supply-side Structural Reform of Taxes and Fees”.
There are five articles in the construction system of the Free Trade Test Area:First is“the Study on Further Upgrading the Opening Degree of Shanghai Free Trade Test Area Under the New Situation. The second is“Deepening the Research on the Integration of System Innovation System in Shanghai Free Trade Test Area”. The third is“the Mission, Principles and Policy Recommendations of Tax Policy Innovation of the Free Trade Area”. The fourth is“the Study on the Linkage Mechanism Between Shanghai Free Trade Test Area and International Financial Center Construction”. The fifth is the“Study on the Linkage Mechanism between the Shanghai Free Trade Test Area and the construction of Science and Technology Innovation Center”.
There are three articles in Shanghai city innovation: the first is“Building an Excellent Global City-the Status Quo and Prospects of Shanghai”. The second is the“Research on the Development of High-end Manufacturing Industry in Shanghai under the New Era”. The third is the“Exploration and Practice that Shanghai is Reducing Institutional Transaction Costs”.
Keywords: Shanghai; Supply-side reform; Free Trade Area construction;City Innovation