Hassan Riad(1964)L'Egypte nassérienne, Paris, Editions de Minuit.
Samir Amin(1978)The Arab Nation, London, Zed Books.
Samir Amin(2006)A Life Looking Forward, Memoirs of an Independent Marxist, London, Zed Books.
Samir Amin(2008)L'éveil du Sud, Paris, Le temps des cerises. The reader will find there my interpretations of the achievements of the viceroy Muhammad Ali(1805-48)and of the Khedives who succeeded him, especially Ismail(1867-79); of the Wafd(1920-52); of the positions taken by Egyptian communists in regard to Nasserism; and of the deviation represented by the Nahda from Afghani to Rachid Reda.
Gilbert Achcar(2009)The Arabs and the Holocaust: The Arab-Israeli War of Narratives, New York, Metropolitan Books. The best analysis of the components of political Islam(Rachid Reda, the Muslim Brotherhood, the modern Salafists).
Samir Amin(2011)Ending the Crisis of Capitalism or Ending Capitalism? , Oxford, Pambazuka Press.
Samir Amin(2011)The Law of Worldwide Value, New York, Monthly Review Press.
Samir Amin(2008)The World We Wish to See, New York, Monthly Review Press.
Samir Amin(2011)“The trajectory of historical capitalism and Marxism's tricontinental vocation”, Monthly Review,62(9).
Gilbert Achcar(2011)Le choc des barbaries, Brussels, Editions Complexe.