第1章 Introduction 序
Mine has been a life filled with extraordinary events which marked my soul deeply. Too deeply, most psychologists would agree. Events which no child should ever endure have I endured and survived. My dilemma was, what to do with those bottled up emotions and feelings.
Half a century passed with those bottled up emotions. When I reached that point where the burden was too heavy to bear, I searched for means to unload the pain and begin the healing. I wanted to be free and start from scratch.
It was this desire to heal and unload the burden of pain that prompted me to face what had to flourish from within. It took courage to do what needed to be done, when fear dominated the events. It took perseverance, when I was at a cross-road, whether to continue as the past or free myself and start living rather than surviving by osmosis.
What did I do? I found my tongue at last. This was like a rooster that begins to crow and there is no stopping it; only mine came in torrents of words and art. The torrents became avalanches that came tumbling down and eradicated that pain.
I learned the true meaning of the best medicine, as stated by Ravindranath Tagore, the Hindu philosopher: water: tears, bath, ocean. It cleanses. My tears were the water that cleansed my soul. As I discarded pain, my body demanded frequent baths, and the ocean became my best ally in the final healing process.
This is much more than a poetry book. It is part of that catharsis which together with self-guided art therapy, became my healing tools of choice. Since those days when healing began I continue to inundate my computer with words, having a total of ninety works completed so far. I am currently working on twenty new books. The more I write and exteriorize my life's events and incidents, the more at peace I find myself. Tranquility has finally been reached in my being, and I was almost ready to give up. But, it came, none too early, and my life has flipped altogether.
Is mine a formal art? Not in the least. I am a self-taught artist, and the fact that it provided a means to heal. is the key factor in my overcoming pain. That was my main goal, and overcome it I did. It was not just the art and the writing. There were other elements of importance, and I allowed my intuition to lead the way. I became a willing participant of the healing adventure. I embraced it wholeheartedly and ultimately my goal to heal was accomplished.
I utilized prose, poetic prose, narrative prose and free style poetry, to bring forth the the feelings and reflections produced upon me by my life, by my living day to day as I walked along my path on this life's journey. At times when none of the above would do, I resorted to single words as if they were gold to be sparingly utilized. It does not matter that some may not qualify as poems. What is important is that they qualified in my healing. That is what counts.
As you read these pages, you will be embarking on an adventure which will take you into the core of my soul, and I honor your presence in my journey.
The Author