第60章 The Central Sea(3)
"You are right,Uncle,"I remarked."Providence appears to have designed the preservation in this vast and mysterious hothouse of antediluvian plants,to prove the sagacity of learned men in figuring them so marvelously on paper.""Well said,my boy-very well said;it is indeed a mighty hothouse.But you would also be within the bounds of reason and common sense,if you added that it is also a vast menagerie."I looked rather anxiously around.If the animals were as exaggerated as the plants,the matter would certainly be serious.
"A menagerie?"
"Doubtless.Look at the dust we are treading under foot-behold the bones with which the whole soil of the seashore is covered-""Bones,"I replied,"yes,certainly,the bones of antediluvian animals."I stooped down as I spoke,and picked up one or two singular remains,relics of a bygone age.It was easy to give a name to these gigantic bones,in some instances as big as trunks of trees.
"Here is,clearly,the lower jawbone of a mastodon,"I cried,almost as warmly and enthusiastically as my uncle;"here are the molars of the Dinotherium;here is a leg bone which belonged to the Megatherium.
You are right,Uncle,it is indeed a menagerie;for the mighty animals to which these bones once belonged,have lived and died on the shores of this subterranean sea,under the shadow of these plants.
Look,yonder are whole skeletons-and yet-""And yet,nephew?"said my uncle,noticing that I suddenly came to a full stop.
"I do not understand the presence of such beasts in granite caverns,however vast and prodigious,"was my reply.
"Why not?"said my uncle,with very much of his old professional impatience.
"Because it is well known that animal life only existed on earth during the secondary period,when the sedimentary soil was formed by the alluviums,and thus replaced the hot and burning rocks of the primitive age.""I have listened to you earnestly and with patience,Harry,and Ihave a simple and clear answer to your objections:and that is,that this itself is a sedimentary soil.""How can that be at such enormous depth from the surface of the earth?""The fact can be explained both simply and geologically.At a certain period,the earth consisted only of an elastic crust,liable to alternative upward and downward movements in virtue of the law of attraction.It is very probable that many a landslip took place in those days,and that large portions of sedimentary soil were cast into huge and mighty chasms.""Quite possible,"I dryly remarked."But,Uncle,if these antediluvian animals formerly lived in these subterranean regions,what more likely than that one of these monsters may at this moment be concealed behind one of yonder mighty rocks."As I spoke,I looked keenly around,examining with care every point of the horizon;but nothing alive appeared to exist on these deserted shores.
I now felt rather fatigued,and told my uncle so.The walk and excitement were too much for me in my weak state.I therefore seated myself at the end of a promontory,at the foot of which the waves broke in incessant rolls.I looked round a bay formed by projections of vast granitic rocks.At the extreme end was a little port protected by huge pyramids of stones.A brig and three or four schooners might have lain there with perfect ease.So natural did it seem,that every minute my imagination induced me to expect a vessel coming out under all sail and making for the open sea under the influence of a warm southerly breeze.
But the fantastic illusion never lasted more than a minute.We were the only living creatures in this subterranean world!
During certain periods there was an utter cessation of wind,when a silence deeper,more terrible than the silence of the desert fell upon these solitary and arid rocks-and seemed to hang like a leaden weight upon the waters of this singular ocean.I sought,amid the awful stillness,to penetrate through the distant fog,to tear down the veil which concealed the mysterious distance.What unspoken words were murmured by my trembling lips-what questions did I wish to ask and did not!Where did this sea end-to what did it lead?Should we ever be able to examine its distant shores?
But my uncle had no doubts about the matter.He was convinced that our enterprise would in the end be successful.For my part,I was in a state of painful indecision-I desired to embark on the journey and to succeed,and still I feared the result.
After we had passed an hour or more in silent contemplation of the wondrous spectacle,we rose and went down towards the bank on our way to the grotto,which I was not sorry to gain.After a slight repast,I sought refuge in slumber,and at length,after many and tedious struggles,sleep came over my weary eyes.