Characteristic it was of Tom Swift that he did not seem at all surprised at what most young men would call a liberal offer.Certainly not many youths of Tom's age would be sought out by a big manufacturing concern, and offered ten thousand dollars a year "right off the reel," as Ned Newton expressed it later.But Tom only smiled and shook his head in negation.
"What!" cried Mr.Gale, "you mean you won't accept our offer?" "I can't," answered Tom.
"You can't!" exclaimed the treasurer, Mr.Ware."Oh, I see.Mr.Gale, a word with you.Excuse us a moment," he added to Tom and his father.
The two men consulted in a corner of the library for a moment, and then, with smiles on their faces, once more turned toward the young inventor.
"Well, perhaps you are right, Tom Swift," said Mr.Gale."Of course, we recognize your talents and ability, but you cannot blame us for trying to get talent, as well as material for our airships, in the cheapest market.But we are not hide-bound, nor sticklers for any set sum.We'll make that offer fifteen thousand dollars a year, if you will sign a five-year contract and agree that we shall have first claim on anything and everything you may patent or invent in that time.Now, how does that strike you? Fifteen thousand dollars a year--paid weekly if you wish, and our Mr.Ware, here, has a form of contract which can be fixed up and signed within ten minutes, if you agree.""Well, I don't like to be disagreeable," said Tom with a smile; "but, really, as I said before, I can't accept your very kind offer.I may say liberal offer.I appreciate that.""You can't accept!" cried Mr.Gale.
"Are you sure you don't mean 'won't'?" asked Mr.Ware, in a half growl.
"You may call it that if you like," replied Tom, a bit coolly, for he didnot like the other's tone, "Only, as I say, I cannot accept.I have other plans.""Oh, you--" began the brusk treasurer, but Mr.Gale, the president of the Universal Flying Machine Company, stopped his associate with a warning look.
"Just a moment, Mr.Swift," begged the president."Don't be hasty.We are prepared to make you a last and final offer, and I do not believe you can refuse it.""Well, I certainly will not refuse it without hearing it," said Tom, with a smile he meant to make good-natured.Yet, truth to tell, he did not at all like the two visitors.There was something about them that aroused his antagonism, and he said later that even if they had offered him a sum which he felt he ought not, in justice to himself and his father, refuse, he would have felt a distaste in working for a company represented by the twain.
"This is our offer," said Mr.Gale, and he spoke in a pompous manner which seemed to say: "If you don't take it, why, it will be the worse for you." He looked at his treasurer for a confirmatory nod and, receiving it, went on."We are prepared to offer and pay you, and will enter into such a contract, with the stipulation about the inventions that I mentioned before--we are prepared to pay you--twenty thousand dollars a year! Now what do you say to that, Tom Swift?
"Twenty-thousand-dollars-a-year!" repeated Mr.Gale unctuously, rolling the words off his tongue."Twen-ty-thou-sand-dol-lars-a- year! Think of it!""I am thinking of it," said Tom Swift gently, "and I thank you for your offer.It is, indeed, very generous.But I must give you the same answer.I cannot accept.""Tom!" exclaimed his aged father.
"Mr.Swift!" exclaimed the two visitors.Tom smiled and shook his head.
"Oh, I know very well what I am saying, and what I am turning down," he said."But I simply cannot accept.I have other plans.I am sorry you have had your trip for nothing," he added to the visitors, "but, really, Imust refuse."
"Is that your final answer?" asked Mr.Gale."Yes.""Don't you want to take a day or two to think it over?" asked the treasurer."Don't be hasty.Remember that very few young men can command that salary, and I may say you will find us liberal in other ways.You would have some time to yourself.""That is what I most need," returned Tom."Time to myself.No, thank you, gentlemen, I cannot accept.""Be careful!" warned Mr.Gale, and it sounded as though there might be a threat in his voice."This is our last offer, and your last chance.We will not renew this.If you do not accept our twenty thousand dollars now, you will never get it again.""I realize that," said Tom, "and I am prepared to take the consequences.
"Very well, then," said Mr.Gale."There seems nothing for us to do, Mr.Ware, but to go back to New York.I bid you good-day," and he bowed stiffly to Tom."I hope you will not regret your refusal of our offer.""I hope so myself," said Tom, lightly.
When the visitors had gone Mr.Swift turned toward his son, and, shaking his head, remarked: