For a moment, at sight of the deserted cabin, staring at Tom and his friend, as it were, from its hiding place amid the trees, the young inventor and his companion did not move.They just stood looking at the place.
"Well," said Tom,.at length, "we found it, didn't we"We found something anyhow," agreed Jackson."Whether it amounts to anything or not, we've got to see.""Come on!" cried Tom, impulsively."I'm going to see what's there." "There doesn't appear to be much of anything," said Jackson, as helooked toward the lonely cabin with critical eyes."I should say that place hadn't been used, even as a chicken coop, in a long while.""We can soon tell!" exclaimed Tom, striding forward.
"Wait just a minute!" cried his companion, catching him by the coat."Don't be in such a hurry.""Why not?" asked Tom."There isn't any danger, is there?""I don't know about that.There's no telling who may be hidden in that cabin, in spite of its deserted appearance.And though there aren't any 'No Trespass' signs up, it may be that we wouldn't be welcome.If there are some tramps there, which is possible, they might take a notion to shoot at us first and ask questions as to our peaceable intentions afterward--when it would be too late.""Nonsense!" exclaimed Tom."There aren't any tramps there and, if there were, they wouldn't dare shoot.I'm going to see what the mystery is--if there is one." But there was no sign of life, and, taking this as an indication that their advance would not be disputed, Jackson followed Tom.The latter advanced until he could take in all the details of the shack.It was made of logs, and once had been chinked with mud or clay.Some of this had fallen out, leaving spaces between the tree trunks.
"It wasn't a bad little shack at one time," decided Tom."Maybe it was a place where some one camped out during the summer.But it hasn't been used of late.I never knew there was such a place around here, and Ithought I knew this locality pretty well.""I never heard of it, either," said Jackson."Let's give a shout and see if there's any one around.They may be asleep.Hello, there !" he called in sufficiently vigorous tones to have awakened an ordinary sleeper.
Put there was no answer, and as the shadows of the night began to fall, the place took on a most lonely aspect.
"Let's go up and knock--or go in if the door's open," suggested Tom."We can't lose any more time, if we're to get out of here before night.""Go ahead," said Jackson, and together they went to the cabin door."Locked!" exclaimed Tom, as he saw a padlock attached to a chain.Itappeared to be fastened through two staples, driven one into the door and the other into the jamb, at right angles to one another and overlapping.
"Knock!" suggested Jackson.But when Tom had done so, and there was no answer, the machinist took hold of the lock.To his own surprise and that of Tom, one of the staples pulled out and the door swung open.The place had evidently been forced before, and the lock had not been opened by a key.The staple had been pulled out and replaced loosely in the holes.
For a moment nothing could be made out in the dark interior of the shack.But as their eyes became used to the gloom, Tom and his companion were able to see that the shack consisted of two rooms.
In the first one there was a rusty stove, a table, and some chairs, and it was evident, from pans and skillets hanging on the wall, as well as from a small cupboard built on one side, that this was the kitchen and living room combined.
"Anybody here?" cried Tom, as he stepped inside.Only a dull echo answered.
The two could now see where a door gave entrance to an inner room, and this, a quick glance showed, was the sleeping apartment, two bunks being built on the side walls.
"Well, somebody had it pretty comfortable here," decided Tom, as he looked around."They've been cooking and sleeping here, and not so very long ago, either.It wouldn't be such a bad place if it was cleaned out.""That's right," agreed Jackson."Wouldn't mind camping here myself,if there was any fishing near."