The Indian Strike
Snatching up in her arms the now awakened child, the woman gazed for a moment into its face, which she covered with kisses.Then the herb- gatherer looked over to the dead, limp body of the great condor, and from thence to Tom.
In another moment the woman had rushed forward, and knelt at the feet of the young inventor.Holding the baby in one arm, in her other hand the woman seized Toms and kissed it fervently, at the same time pouring forth a torrent of impassioned language, of which Tom could only make out a word now and then.But he gathered that the woman was thanking him for having saved the child.
"Oh, that's all right," Tom said, rather embarrassed by the hand-kissing."It was an easy shot."An Indian came bursting through the bushes, evidently the woman's husband by the manner in which she greeted him, and Tom recognized the newcomer as one of the tunnel workers.There was some quick conversation between the husband and wife, in which the latter made all sorts of motions, including in their scope Tom, his rifle, the dead condor and the now smiling baby.
The man took off his hat and approached Tom, genuflecting as he might have done in church.
"She say you save baby from condor," the man said in his halting English."She t'ank you--me, I t'ank you.Bird see babe in deer skin--t'ink um dead animal.Maybe so bird carry baby off, drop um on sharp stone, baby smile no more.You have our lives, senor! We do anyt'ing we can for you.""Thanks," said Tom, easily."I'm glad I happened to be around.I supposed condors only went for things dead, but I reckon, as you say, it mistook the baby in the deer skin for a dead animal.And I guess it might have carried your little one off, or at least lifted it up, and then it mighthave dropped it far enough to have killed it.It sure is a big bird," and Tom strolled over to look at what he had bagged.
The condor of the Andes is the largest bird of prey in existence.One in the Bronx Zoo, in New York, with his wings spread out, measured a little short of ten feet from tip to tip.Measure ten feet out on the ground and then imagine a bird with that wing stretch.
This same condor in the park was made angry by a boy throwing a feather boa up into the air outside the cage.The condor raised himself from the ground, and hurled himself against the heavy wire netting so that the whole, big cage shook.And the breeze caused by the flapping wings blew off the hats of several spectators.So powerful was the air force from the condor's wings that it reminded one of the current caused when standing behind the propellers of an aeroplane in motion.The condor rarely attacks living persons or animals, though it has been known to carry off big sheep when driven by hunger.
It was one of these animals Tom Swift had shot with his electric rifle."We do anyt'ing you want," the man gratefully repeated.
"Well, I've got about all I want," Tom said."But if you could tell me where those ten missing men are, and how they got out of the tunnel, I'd be obliged to you."The woman did not seem to comprehend Tom's talk, but the man did.He started, and fear seemed to come over him.
"Me--I--I can not tell," he murmured.
"No, I don't suppose you can," said Tom, musingly."Well," it doesn't matter, I guess I'll have to cross it off my books.I'll never find out."Again the Indian and his wife expressed their gratitude, and Tom, after letting the little brown baby cling to his finger, and patting its chubby cheek, went on his way with Koku.
"Well, that was some excitement," mused Tom, who made little of the shot itself, for the condor was such a mark that he would have had to aim very badly indeed to miss it.And perhaps only the electric rifle could have killed quickly enough to prevent the baby's being injured in some way by the big bird, even though it was dying.
"Master heap good shot!" exclaimed Koku, admiringly.