第3章 英文(3)
Miss Samantha gave Topsy a rubber bone to play with,but Topsy found a real bone instead.Topsy hid the real bone,hid it away in Miss Samantha's bed,and then Topsy found MANY THINGS to play with.Topsy found RUGS to slide on and to crawl under.
Topsy found FEATHERS inside the sofa pillows,and Topsy found STRANGE WIRE THINGS inside the sofa,and soon Topsy found so MANY THINGS to play with that Miss Samantha's large house was no longer tidy,and Miss Samantha was very sad.Miss Samantha said,"Topsy,you are a very naughty little dog,you will have to live in the cellar."So Topsy was very sad because she had to live in the cellar.
But Topsy was not sad for long,because she climbed up the coal and out of a window and into the large tidy garden.
Topsy ran through tulips and over the pansies,and under the back gate.
And there was Angus."Yip-yip!"said Topsy."Woof-woof!"said Angus.
So Angus and Topsy romped up and down and around the garden and under the hedge into the next garden.
And there was Wag-Tail-Bess!
So Angus and Topsy and Wag-Tail-Bess all romped up and down and around and around.
Then-plop-plop on the ground in front of Topsy bounced a red rubber ball!