Lesson 18 Reply to Credit Enquiry 对资信询盘的答复
The Maryland Inc.
The captioned company you inquired about by your letter of September 15,20xx has been maintaining an account with us for the 20 years,during which they have never failed to meet their obligations. Their balance sheets of recent years enclosed will show you that their import business in Sewing Machines has been managed and operated under a satisfactory condition.
We believe that they owe their reputable position among the local wholesalers in our district to their steady and sincere way of conducting business.
Please note that this information is furnished without any responsibility on our part and should be held strictly confidential.
Yours faithfully,
Words List
capacity n. 能力,才能
confidence n. 秘密,机密
reciprocate v. 回报,报答
courtesy n. 恩惠,慷慨
captioned a. 加上标题的,标题的
obligation n. 义务,职责
balance sheet n. 收支平衡表
reputable a. 受尊重的,信誉好的
confidential a. 机密的
1.the captioned company 标题公司
2.…have been maintaining an account with us ……一直与我们保持账户往来
3.have never failed to meet their obligations 从未有过不履行义务的事情
never fail to do sth. =never neglect sth.,never omit to do sth. 从未疏忽,从未忘记。例如:
She never failed to write to her mother every month.
4.to meet their obligations履行义务,similar to“to meet one's engagement”
5.balance sheet资产负债表,收支平衡表
6.…owe their reputable position business 他们能在本地区的批发商中享有盛誉要归因于他们经营业务的稳妥和诚实。
owe sth. to = believe sth. to be result of sth. 归因于,例如:
He owed his wealth to hard work and good luck.
7.conduct business 经营业务,处理业务
类似的短语还有conduct monetary policy,conduct tour等。
8.without any responsibility on our part 我方不负任何责任